如果您的 EA 帳號、特定遊戲或您的裝置遭封鎖、禁用或停用,我們可能會從 ea@e.ea.com 寄電子郵件給您 。這是我們的官方電子郵件帳號,請確定您將其加入聯絡人名單中。否則,信件可能會進入您的垃圾郵件。封鎖:如果我們發現登入嘗試的失敗次數過多,或有其他可疑活動,我們會暫時移除您對遊戲或您的 EA 帳號的使用權...
Solved: I have seen several people have this problem, suddenly I find a screen saying that my account had been banned by Cheating & Fair Play. Which
I checked my account recently because I received an email that I've been cheating and that I was banned. #1 - I don't cheat and never thought of
1. 首先上EAhelp(https://help.ea.com/en/my-ban-history/)查看自己的封禁原因是什么,如果是误封原因是空白的。PS:不懂英文的朋友可以使用Edge或者Chrome浏览器,在页面右键就有翻译2. 再在这里(https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/?product=origin&platform=pc&category=manage-my-account&issue=banned-or...
it's the best football game in the world. I really want to play the fut match again with the other football fans and fifa fans. so please un-banned my fut account. it's my first break the roles. and it's the last once. i apologize for my behavior. please give me a chance. ...
你觉得他们不对可以申诉。网址是:http://help.ea.com/article/information-about-banned-or-suspended-accounts上面没说明是不是你的头像问题。只是说你违反了他们的条例。他们条例的网址是:http://www.ea.com/global/legal/tos.jsp 翻译机路过=。= 10楼2012-08-24 17:40 回复 战...
banned,然后现在是大厅可以进去,但是游戏一进去就被踢出来显示被banned 然后ea账号没有异常,绑定的QQ邮箱也没有收到ea的邮件 求助大佬现在应该怎么办 分享3619 apex英雄吧 易慕白2 不是ea哥 我说真的别太荒谬特意开了个小号来发帖 怕被吧u骂 楼下说说我的经历 33439 apex英雄吧 暗黑帝王貝利亞 完了真有误封...
The game prompts that I have been banned and the record cannot be found in MY BAN HISTORY. Your staff thinks everything is fine with my account, but I just can't log in to APEX. It's been a week.大伙可以直接复制或者改一下然后去ea help最新的那个关于apex的贴发送出去 点击展开,查看...
The process to contact our ToS team can be found here:https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/account/information-about-banned-or-suspended-accounts/ ClickContact usat the top of any page on EA Help. Select the game that your account was banned or suspended from. If it’s on your whole EA A...
You can also contact an EA Game advisor on the EA Help website. Detailed instructions can be found here: How to use EA Help In case of a banned account, please reach out directly to our Terms of Service team. Thanks! ___ *Accept as Solution button- If a post answers your question ...