但是这里可以提供一个思路,在EA Help再次登录你在第二步中登录并与客服联系的那个EA账号,可以查询到这次找回的事件ID,这个ID同样可以在该EA账号绑定邮箱,以及你更换的那个邮箱收到的更改密码邮件中找到,这可能可以为后续申诉时证明这段时间并非你本人在玩而是被盗号了提供一些证据(个人思路,不确定,但是如果我遇到了会...
My account was hacked. The hacker changed my email address, but I am still able to log in to my account through PSN. Unfortunately, if I try to change my email or password, I am prompted to send an email to the hacker email, with no other options. I have tried countless...
Solved: My EA account has been hacked and changed to a Russian email account, and I am currently unable to log in properly. When I discovered this
然后全都填完继续会有一个subject,填account hacked之类的就可以,点send按钮,send之后如果显示了成功生成了一个case ID 就可以等一会就弹出chat界面了,然后就可以跟客服描述你的问题。
help.ea.com/en/help-contact-us/?product=ea-account&category=manage-my-account&topic=resecure-hacked-account 账号被盗申诉 点进去后是这样,在填完对应的信息后,点一下灰色的SEND发送按钮,在右下角就能看到聊天界面。细心的和客服对线吧,祝你成功!
I cant find in those HELP section anything related to Origin account hacking?theres only game account hacking releted topics, but no EA hacked account solution. can you just give me email address where do i need to write,because I cant find any email related ...
we’re sorry for any difficulties this caused.Since the ban happened while your account was compromised, we removed it from your account.Check out our article on how to restore your account security: https://help.ea.com/en/help/account/secure-hacked-ea-account/Thank you,EA Terms of Service...
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登入可以讓您儘快獲得協助 登入您的帳號以獲得所有可能協助選項 不登入並繼續 登入 ea account resecure-hacked-account 變更主題 不是您要尋找的資訊嗎?請嘗試這些步驟 我想要查看我的禁用狀態 我需要有關跨平台進度的協助 我找不到我購買的一些東西 查看所有協助選項 ...
Now with Office 2013, if we install it on our new systems we can't activate Office 2013 without first making a Microsoft Account. Does anyone have a work-around or is there something I am missing? Thank you for your help. Tuesday, April 16, 2013 9:33 PM...