您可以通过在键盘上按Win + R键,然后输入“regedit”来打开注册表编辑器。找到EAGames文件夹。在注册表编辑器中,您需要找到EAGames文件夹,然后再找到战地4对应的文件夹。修改语言设置。在战地4的文件夹中,找到“Local”这一项,双击它。将“Local”的值改为“tw_zh”,然后保存退出。修复更新。回到EA平台,修...
首先打开注册表编辑器 找到计算机\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EA Games\Battlefield 4 双击Locale 将en_US改为zh_TW 最后回到EA app上修复Battlefield 4后进入游戏就好了
Battlelog is a free social platform that ties into Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 3 and lets you socialize, track stats, plan your next game, and more from your web browser!
专辑名:Battlefield 4 (Original Soundtrack) [Premium Edition] 歌手:EA Games Soundtrack 发行时间:2015-06-23 简介:EA已经确认《地战4》的BETA测试将于2013年秋季展开,而外媒也分析推测《地战4》极有可能于2013年底至2014年春季这段时间的某个点发布,这个时间也恰好是人们对于下一代主机发售的预期时间,相信如...
我可以透過下列方式隨時取消訂閱:變更我的電子郵件偏好設定、聯絡 privacyadmin.ea.com,或是寫信到:Electronic Arts Inc., ATTN: Email Opt-Out, 209 Redwood Shores Pkwy, Redwood City, CA, 94065, USA。 立即註冊以透過電子郵件接收最新的《戰地風雲》資訊、影片、優惠訊息等(包括其他 EA 最新消息、產品活動...
Having trouble with Battlefield 4, or looking to share your expertise with others? Use this forum to learn about multiplayer, system requirements,
Solved: Hi, I bough battlefield 4 yesterday, since it was 8$ on the playstation store. I downloaded it the 12/31/2021. When I open the game,
The thing is, i was able to play battlefield 4 up until 28 of march 2024, the list of removed games says that the game has been removed on September 20th 2023. I already chatted with the ea support and they could not help me. They told me to create a forum post....
The other EA games I have were all bought from Steam and they work. The only one not working is the Battlefield 1 game that I got today. I'll be forced to refund it if there is no way to fix it.I'll also strongly suggest you guys to please ditch the launche...