(EA).The UK engineering consultancy is on a partnering framework with the EA to deliver flood zone mapping,catchment flood management plans,flood risk assessment and flood risk management."We have been assisting the Environment Agency to expand and upgrade their hydrometric network of strategically ...
Developing a new national assessment of flood risk from rivers, the sea and surface water that will provide better data and mapping to inform future risk and investment decisions. Working with Ofwat to ensure that water company assets are resilient and contribute to better flood risk outcomes....
纽约市通过2015年发布的初步洪涝灾害地图(PFIRM: Preliminary Flood Hazard Maps)对2007年联邦洪涝灾害分区成果和100年一遇洪水基准线(BFE: Base Flood Elevation)标准进行了细化与调整。PFIRM中首次考虑了中等强度的海浪运动(moderate wave...
By a common definition, flood risk assessments are comprised of two parts: a hazard and vulnerability assessment. The hazard assessment investigates the extent and magnitude of usually large flood events, which are associated to a certain exceedance probability, whereas the vulnerability part assesses ...
A full flood risk assessment was undertaken at environmental impact assessment stage. Atkins undertook analyses of the risk of fl ooding caused by frequent rainfall, taking into account the automated regulation of water levels in the impounded reaches and the impact of tidal lockout. The modeling ...
70. Flood - 洪水 71. Ice safety - 冰上安全 72. Ice fishing - 冰钓 73. Snowmobile - 雪地摩托 74. Ice skating - 滑冰 75. Frostbite - 冻伤 76. Hypothermia - 低体温症 77. Ice thickness - 冰厚度 78. Ice cracking - 冰裂缝 79. Avalanche - 雪崩 80. Skiing - 滑雪 81. Snowboarding -...
Advancements in areas such as remote sensing, hydrological modeling, and floodrisk assessment can provide valuable insights and tools for improving the accuracy of flood forecasting, enhancing early warning systems, and optimizing flood mitigation strategies. Continuous research and development in these ...
A GIS-based spatial multi-criteria approach for flood risk assessment in the Dongting Lake Region, Hunan, Central China. Water Resour. Manag. 2011, 25, 3465–3484. [CrossRef] 8. Hashemi-Parast, S.O.; Yamazaki, F.; Liu, W. Monitoring and evaluation of the urban reconstruction process ...
Accurate flood risk assessment is useful for mitigating the hazards of dam break floods. Flood inundation may cause serious damage to human lives, property, and river environments. In many countries, flood risks are assessed to establish flood mitigation plans against unexpected flood events. Flood ...
Keywords:Mountain city;Urban flood prevention and mitigation;Risk assessment;Resilient city 雨水是城市地区的一种重要自然资源,它分散、降雨产生径流量在时间和空间分配上的不均匀〇引言随机、依山就势汇集,雨水管理面临的挑战是要应对 基金项目:重庆市科技局科研项目(cstc2020jsyj-zzysbAX0076)〇 性[1]。