@EA_Jason It changes the install location of the Games not of the Desktop Client. We are asking about how to change the install location of the Client because it is automatically getting installed in the C drive. Reply 2 + XP #68 February 2023 Options Na_Maew ★★★...
There's hoping that EA will change how the installer works to allow you choosing custom install location. In the mean time, as a workaround if you want to go through the hoops, you could edit the system environment variables to indicate that the Program Files is elsewhere, insta...
When you accept the invitation, the EA app download process will begin. Origin will be uninstalled automatically once the EA app launches — this ensures you will not experience any conflicts or errors related to having both clients installed on your computer simultaneously. Once you complete the ...
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//answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/how-do-i-change-the-destination-folder-for-windows/490670d2-4913-47ef-9f00-3b3ac5c56bd9 2021-05-16T23:21:51.0000000Z https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/deleted-sections-keep-coming-back/7cdbd71d-7c5d-48cf-b607-...
You must change this in order to get tolerable upload speeds:Open control panel, device manager. Expand Ports (COM and LPT) Right click the port and choose properties Click the Port Settings tab Click "Advanced..." to open the advanced settings window. Under the "BM Options" section, find...
How do I change password when connected to Remote Desktop? How do i change the realm name used during kerberos authentication??? How do I change the Task Descriptions in the Task Manager for Server 2008, 2012, 2016? How do I convert a ISO image to a Wim? How do I install Flash...
How do I change password when connected to Remote Desktop? How do i change the realm name used during kerberos authentication??? How do I change the Task Descriptions in the Task Manager for Server 2008, 2012, 2016? How do I convert a ISO image to a Wim? How do I install Flash ...
The option in the launcher to customize the installation *only* allows you to change the games installation location, not the location of the client itself. My C drive does not have a lot of space in it, so I don't want to download any game clients to it. My C drive i...
Solved: Re: How to change the install location via EA app? - Answer HQ Besides what you wrote there, we have the following useful topic: Solved: Re: EA Desktop app installation location (the client, not the games) - Page 4 - Answer HQ PowerShell.\EAappInstaller.exe /i DefaultInstall...