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Can't wrap my head around these hackers. I mean what kind of lowlife puts down a videogame server where people have some fun? Their mother didn't love them enough when they were kids? I don't get it. Oh and for the record, Apex is just the ugly version of TF2 if you ask me. ...
it can consistently hit people from 20-30 m away with 30 or even 40 damage in some rare cases which is ridiculous for a shotgun in videogame generally. About the EVA-8 which I consider much more healthy than the mastiff, you can immediately notice a significant damage fall off when shoot...
Disappointed I still don't understand why this game was cancelled with nothing to replace it. Squadrons was good fun, but now that's come and gone and there is nothing to look forward to. Battlefront II had so much potential. The only place you can play as the Mandalorian is FORTNITE.....