[PROBLEEM] - Niet kunnen betalen met iDEAL via Origin of EA app","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:9957937"},"id":"message:9957937","revisionNum":1,"uid":9957937,"depth":0,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:origin-for-mac-nl"},"author":{"__typename":"User","uid"...
Find out what payment methods EA accepts and how to enter your info. Plus, learn how to buy games, expansions, and view your order history. How to buy My purchases Payment methods Charges Order changes Tips More help How to buy EA games On ea.com Watch this video guide to...
Further investigation on my part has revealed that the EA desktop app has been having some issues with iDeal payments since December (and some time before that). At least it's what I could deduce from questions other users have posted here. For me however, the option had always been workin...
Lees dit helparitkel, hoe je geld kan terugvragen voor de spellen van EA:https://help.ea.com/nl/help/account/returns-and-cancellations/ Contact opnemen met de helpdesk, via de Engelstalige chat:https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/ Zorg dat jouw regio is ingesteld op "Uni...
Re: iDeal Payment not possible on PC Hey @Ululapalooza, This is something the teams are actively looking into, it is being tracked over on the Dutch forums: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Origin-Client-voor-Mac/PROBLEEM-Niet-kunnen-betalen-met-iDEAL-via-Origin-of-EA-app/td-p/11580662/high...
[PROBLEEM] - Niet kunnen betalen met iDEAL via Origin of EA app","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:9957937"},"id":"message:9957937","revisionNum":1,"uid":9957937,"depth":0,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:origin-for-mac-nl"},"author":{"__typename":"User",...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","subject":"Je kan niet meer met Ideal betalen","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversationGo to the {newLanguage} community Switch back to {oldLanguage}","toast.successTitle":"Language Changed to {language}","toast.failureTitle":"Er...