(US30) index. It took me more than 2 years to optimize this strategy. The first versions of the expert were not very good, because they showed a good result in the tester only on ordinary ticks. But I managed to make a scalper trading in tests and in real time the same way. ...
-Improvement: The speed of the program running EAPADPRO in the strategy tester. Attention! Events in the strategy tester are processed only when a new tick is created. If a new tick (minimum price movement) is not created, then the panel waits for the next tick. ...
I agree that EA needs to analyze and develop whatever method they are using for quality analysis; since the current practice leads to me feeling that I as player, user, customer, am the tester of the product I pay full price for. Like 3 Reply...
要获得访问权限,请在 [color=var(--global-primary-action-default)]patreon上订阅“Alpha Tester”(...
应该是没有区别,只是之前版本的mod只有买alpha tester才能下,现在买beta tester也能下了 ...
INSTG8R Vanguard Beta Tester Joined Nov 26, 2004 Messages 8,123 (1.10/day) Location Canuck in Norway System Specs Nov 3, 2022 #21 CallandorWoT said: so the new EA website doesn't let you see your game library. I wanted to check to see if I owned Battlefront II, the ...
INSTG8R Vanguard Beta Tester NaitoSquadrons does look excellent, but I've given EA the benefit of the doubt too often. Heck, I think I'm at the stage where any bitterness I once had for EA, has now become complete apathy. Sim City, while I enjoyed the mechanics, was riddled ...
Ich bin allerdings müde davon der Beta-Tester von EA zu sein, daher nutze ich die App halt nicht. Zum Glück klappt die Companion Webapp und man kann am PC ordentlich damit arbeiten. ","kudosSumWeight":0,"repliesCount":1,"postTime":"2023-11-07T06:48:32.400Z","images":{"__typename...
$ export JAVA_HOME=/home/tester/karm/openjdk-17/;export GRAALVM_HOME=/home/tester/karm/mandrel-java24-24.2.0-devc6e7912f0d0;export PATH=${JAVA _HOME}/bin:${PATH} $ ./mvnw verify -f integration-tests/pom.xml -pl awt -Pnative 2024-10-21 12:58:31,448 ERROR [io.qua.run....
many updates but 2019 update is the best one. The robot can run on any instrument, but the results are better with EURGBP, GBPUSD, on the M5 timeframe. Robot doesn't show good results in tester or live account if you run incorrect sets. Set files for Live accounts availible only for...