现在,按键盘上的Windows + X键,然后选择命令提示符管理员。 在命令提示符下键入wuauclt.exe /updatenow。 在命令提示符下成功执行命令后,关闭命令提示符。 最后重新启动 Windows安装程序就可以了。 几百年以后 系统装好之后,启动Steam 打开游戏会自动安装ea app 但是游戏报错 缺少msvcr120.dllmvcrp120.dll 各种缺,...
找到错误是出现在执行: rundll32.exe C:\Windows\Installer\MSIF858.tmp 打开任务管理器观察rundll32进程,再重新安装EA App。 发现虚拟内存不足崩溃时,任务管理器出现了N个上面那样命令的rundll32进程,然后虚拟内存不足,瞬间所有进程被结束。 在反复测试多次后,卡到了bug,没有因为虚拟内存不足关掉所有进程。 然后就...
更新:2024-08-11 资源说明 EAapp13.5.2.0,EA官方游戏平台,迄今为止最快、最轻量级的 PC 客户端。通过新的流线型设计,您将轻松找到您正在寻找的游戏和内容。可以登录ea账号,进行好友添加删除,还可以查看ea游戏的成就以及详细信息。欢迎下载体验! 软件功能 ...
Try to load the App in Windows 11.What happens when the bug occurs? The EA App doesn't work.What do you expect to see? The EA App working. I am running Windows 11, and have tried a fresh install of the app, and fresh installing all Microsoft Visual C++ redists. I've also...
到了官网,找到“下载EA app”的按钮,一拍即合。Windows用户就选Windows版本下载,苹果党的朋友往下找Mac版。 下载时别急,选个自定义安装,别让它默认往C盘塞。你可以换个安装路径,方法是点点Tab键,找到右上角有个X被白框圈起来的地方,再按Tab回车,就能换地方了。
遇到EA程序打不开,安装Windows10或Windows11出错代码0xC1800103 - 0x90002时,通常需要重装系统来解决问题。在尝试了杀毒、安装依赖等方法无效后,重装系统成为最后手段。在下载安装程序后,安装过程在一半时出现错误。通过一系列查询和尝试后,最终发现重新启动Windows安装程序能够解决此问题。系统安装完毕后,...
Who can download the EA app? The EA app for Windows is available to all players on a (minimum) 64-bit PC system, running Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11. The EA app for Mac is available to players on macOS Catalina or newer. What’s the difference between the EA app and Origin?
So I have EA App and today I was asked to update. I was asked by the app to update over and over and restart. I did and kept getting the same
EA app in windows 11 PC always pops up when a game starts and ends.It is very distracting since when you want to use the big picture mode of a front end (such as steam, playnite, launchbox etc) when you exit the game the screen returns no matter what to ea app. Is there any wor...
Who can download the EA app? The EA app for Windows is available to all players on a (minimum) 64-bit PC system, running Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11. The EA app for Mac is available to players on macOS Catalina or newer. What’s the difference between the EA app and Origin?