Solved: Hey all. I recently migrated my game from origin to EA app. I just bought DHD on the EA app. It has been downloaded but the add-on content
After a few hours trying different things I thought may be similar I found something that works. I installed origin, when I tried to open the game via origin I got an ea popup that said install ea app? So I clicked that just to see, even though it already is on my computer, and ...
Battlefield 2042 is finally available now, but many players are reporting that they cannot play the game and get the error message ‘Unable to connect to the EA servers’ on both Xbox and PC. If you’re experiencing the same issue, don’t worry. In this post, we’ve put together some...
EA community forums for gamers to browse content, discover game updates, share enthusiasm, ask questions, get support, help others, find friends, and report game issues.
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":5004335,"subject":"\"Access Denied\"/\"This message cannot be found\"","id":"message:5004335","revisionNum":1,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:274319"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:ea-forums-feedback...
// 2023-10-10T14:44:58.3000000Z
Context: 0x86a93465 Caused by: The Hyper server process exited during startup with exit code: 1 Command-line: "/Applications/Tableau Desktop (Apple silicon) run --crash-dump-path=/Users/licaixuan/Desktop/未命名檔案夾/日誌/crashdumps --date-style=MDY ...
Then import the exported entries into the registry, where the EA app cannot be installed.This is how it worked for me. The game then has to be downloaded completely again, but the EA app starts and everything is there. An update of the EA app is still not possible...
Try logging in to the AE app.What happens when the bug occurs? I cannot sign-in to the EA App.What do you expect to see? sign-in without any issues, so that i can be able to play. I cannot sign-in to the EA App, thus i cannot launch any game. When i tr...
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