I was having to download at an abysmal 1MB/s (about a quarter of my connection), I set it to 2250kbps (which is about 2MB/s and my go-to for any download rate). It seems to have worked so far. I did have to quit the app first, then set the rate at that file and then...
3: Your app is not user friendly. It is also not fast. The only claim that was made about the EA app that lands, just a litle, is the light weight thing, which makes it more annoying to use in my experience. And I won't even get started on the download issues. No actually, I...
前言 在小程序中经常会用到各种各样的图标,如果这些图标都使用图片的话,将会大大增加小程序打包后的体积,而小程序限制代码最大2MB,分包加载4MB,所以为了缩小体积,我们可以使用图标来缩小体积。 使用图标有两种方式: 自带图标 外部图标(图片、精灵图、CSS绘图、矢量字体、SVG格式) 自带图标组件属性说明: 一、自带图标...
HP Pavilion 15.6 inch Gaming Laptop PC 15-ec2000 Software and Driver Downloads | HP® Customer Suppor... Unfortunately, I don't know anything about that version other than what it indicates in the release notes, and it must be an older version ...
HP Pavilion 15.6 inch Gaming Laptop PC 15-ec2000 Software and Driver Downloads | HP® Customer Suppor... Unfortunately, I don't know anything about that version other than what it indicates in the release notes, and it must be an older ver...
mimic/el7/noarch/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 type=rpm-md gpgkey=https://download.ceph.com/keys/release.asc [ceph-source] name=Ceph source packages baseurl=https://mirrors.aliyun.com/ceph/rpm-mimic/el7/SRPMS/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 type=rpm-md gpgkey=https://download.ceph.com/keys/release.asc...
·看天下</A> <DT><A HREF="http://www.linkeyproject.com/app/?sid=492&aid=0&type=n&ver=" ADD_DATE="1422011280" ICON="...
日本无线SD卡开发者指南说明书 Reversing a Japanese Wireless SD Card From Zero to Code Execution Guillaume VALADON - @guedou
4.考试网络:网络带宽不低于20Mbps,建议使用带宽50Mbps或以上的独立带宽网络;上传速度不低于2MB/s。建议考生准备4G\5G等手机移动网络作为备用网络,并事先做好调试,以便出现网络故障时能迅速切换备用网络继续考试。 二、考试系统要求 考生考...
请投稿者务必在投稿时提交大尺寸数字文件(只接受JPG文件,每幅不低于2MB),不符合要求的投稿无效。 4. The host and organizers have the right to use the winning works in the form of copying, distribution, exhibition, screening...