如果您認您的 EA 帳號遭到入侵,這些步驟可能有助於再次確保帳號安全。 如果您認為自己的 EA 帳號遭盜用,請先嘗試登入您玩遊戲的帳號,並檢查缺少的內容,例如遊戲內組合包、代幣和金幣。 如果您無法登入並且缺失遊戲內容,請與我們聯絡。 從您的平台登入您的帳號 ...
If you think your EA Account was hacked, these steps may help secure it again. If you think your EA Account was hacked, first try logging into your account where you play and checking for missing content, like in-game packs, tokens, and coins. ...
5.选择主题(Select topic):Manage My Account6.选择问题(Select issue):Hacked Account(不管你是不是因为被骇而受到封锁,选这个就完事不用管,进入聊天后客服会解决一切)7.点击下方出来的蓝色按钮:Select contact option8.填写完个人信息。点击Next9.进入到新页面,找到Chat,填写Subject*(主题,要咨询的问题?)10....
we’re sorry for any difficulties this caused.Since the ban happened while your account was compromised, we removed it from your account.Check out our article on how to restore your account security: https://help.ea.com/en/help/account/secure-hacked-ea-account/Thank you,EA Terms of Service...
email最好填一个google email,好像163生成不了case ID,不知道别的行不行,console我选的PC(随便选的我也不知道对不对应该没有影响),然后全都填完继续会有一个subject,填account hacked之类的就可以,点send按钮,send之后如果显示了成功生成了一个case ID 就可以等一会就弹出chat界面了,然后就可以跟客服描述你的问...
I think I’ve been hacked Check out what to do so we can help you, fast. I can’t log in to my EA game To log in to an EA game, you’ll need your EA Account email and password. Here’s how to log in. Open your game on your console. On desktop, open the EA app or...
购买消费记录,以及更改密码记录都可以看到甚至可以看到是什么时间什么ip但是我只看到了我自己更改密码的两次记录也就是说盗号者更改了我两次密码没有留下记录这里团子老师劝我去找线上客服去询问相关情况(ea客服可以通过 ea账号>ea客户支援进入ea英国站然后选择contact us>apex>pc>manage my account>hacked account来...
If you think someone else might have hacked into your account and changed your password, that can be probably why you can’t log in. You should try to reset your password immediately to see if you can get back your account. A good rule of thumb when it comes to securing an account is...
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If you think your EA Account was hacked, try logging in to your account and check for missing content. If you can’t log in and you’re missing content, get in touch with us. | Ea Account