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INB 英特浦尔集装箱公司(美国) Interpool Ltd. Intu IRI 伊朗 ISA 国际航运公司(波多黎哥) International Shipping Agency ITL 伊特尔国际租箱公司(美国) Ited Containers International Corp. IWT 依洛瓦底江航运公司(缅甸) Irawaddy Water Transport Corporation AMSP access multiservice platform 多业务接入平台 AT...
INB 英特浦尔集装箱公司(美国) Interpool Ltd. Intu IRI 伊朗 ISA 国际航运公司(波多黎哥) International Shipping Agency ITL 伊特尔国际租箱公司(美国) Ited Containers International Corp. IWT 依洛瓦底江航运公司(缅甸) Irawaddy Water Transport Corporation JCS 日本集装箱服务公司 Japan Container Service JCT...
In the first quarter, the new area achieved a 12.8 percent increase in marine production, accounting for 43.1 percent of the region's GDP. Its six characteristic marine industries' added value increased by 15.8 percent. On May 20, the worl...
Steven D. Cohan is a private investor and since 1997 has served as the chief executive officer and as a director of Loco Ventures, Inc., a privately held company that has operated various food manufacturing businesses in Northern California. In addition, since July 2015, Mr. Cohan has also ...
founding Bulk Partners Ltd., the predecessor to Pangaea, in 1996, Mr. Laura spent 10 years as CFO of Commodity Ocean Transport Corporation (COTCO). Mr. Laura also served as Chief Financial Officer at Navinvest Marine Services from 1986 to 2002. Mr. Laura is a graduate of Fordham ...
132 INB 英特浦尔集装箱公司(美国) Interpool Ltd. Intu 133 IRI 伊朗 134 ISA 国际航运公司(波多黎哥) International Shipping Agency 135 ITL 伊特尔国际租箱公司(美国) Ited Containers International Corp. 136 IWT 依洛瓦底江航运公司(缅甸) Irawaddy Water Transport Corporation 137 JCS 日本集装箱服务公司...
INB 英特浦尔集装箱公司(美国) Interpool Ltd. Intu IRI 伊朗 ISA 国际航运公司(波多黎哥) International Shipping Agency ITL 伊特尔国际租箱公司(美国) Ited Containers International Corp. IWT 依洛瓦底江航运公司(缅甸) Irawaddy Water Transport Corporation JCS 日本集装箱服务公司 Japan Container Service JCT...
The vessel was jointly designed by researchers from the Sanya institute, China State Shipbuilding Corp's Guangzhou Shipyard International Co and other research entities. Construction started in June 2023 at the Guangzhou shipyard, ...
8.marine [mə'riːn]【词频:5次】 adj.海的;海产的;海军的;海事的 n. 水兵;海军陆战队士兵;海事,海运业 【词根记忆】marin海洋+e→海洋的 【短语搭配】marine life海洋生物 marine pollution海洋污染 【真题例句】Dr.Myers and Dr.Worm argue that ...