Laptop(refurbished) is very good quality.New screen and key pad.touch pad and hand rest area reconditioned.few minor scratches at back and hard to find.Memory and hard disk as specified.Only cpu speed was lower than spec (2.6 in...
dell latitude e7400 spec dell latitude 7390 dell 7270 dell latitude e3430 dell latitude e5440 dell latitude e5450 dell 7750 dell latitude e5511 Ranking Keywords dell latitude e6410 dell latitude 3150 dell latitude 3450 dell latitude 5320 dell latitude 13 7350 dell latitude e7440 core i7 dell lati...
型号厂商批号封装说明 L7250E1.2ST06+TQFP64全新原装 L7250E1.0ST0251+QFP-64全新库存 热门搜索 型号厂商批号封装说明 RCS20M-12RD28SOURIAU-SUNBANK2023+连接器Circular MIL Spec Contacts CONTACT PW620-41M5kΩ129FSG24+电位器PW620-41 M 5k Ω/129°电位器 ...
公司官网 ——— 资深模拟IC设计工程师(高速serdes方向)南京 上海 苏州 工作职责: 1. 参与高速(GHz)CMOS接口芯片的设计SPEC制定,参与芯片架构设计; 2. 负责芯片中高速模拟与混合信号电路的设计与优化; 3. 主要负责设计的模块包括(但不仅限于)PLL、CDR,高速Driver、Latch、Mux和DeMux等...
CmsTC.spec CppUnit_testdriver_cpp.file DMWMMON-datasvc.spec MotT0.spec PHEDEX-admin.spec PHEDEX-combined-agents.spec PHEDEX-combined-web.spec PHEDEX-datasvc.spec PHEDEX-lifecycle.spec PHEDEX-micro.spec PHEDEX-web.spec PHEDEX-webapp.spec PHEDEX.spec README SCRAMV1.spec T0DataSvc.spec ...
/ tauolapp.spec Latest commit HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 44 lines (34 loc) · 962 Bytes Raw 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ### RPM external...
Utilizarea preparatelor antibiotice n acnee a fost asociat cu posibilitatea dezvoltrii rezistenei lui P acnes la antibiotice i cu transferul factorilor de rezisten la alte specii bacteriene. n acest articol prezentm principalele cauze care au condeus la dezvoltarea rezistenei lui P ...
目的:探讨磁共振动态增强(dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging,DCE-MRI),扩散加权(diffusion weighted imaging, DWI)及单体素质子波谱成像(1H magnetic resonance spec... 刘佩芳,路红,张芳,... - 海峡两岸肿瘤学术会议教育集 被引量: 12发表: 2006年 MR动态增强在诊断乳腺良恶性病变中的应用价值 目的 探讨MR动态增...
机械加工pfmea案例 PotentialFailureModeandEffectsAnalysis(ProcessFMEA)潜在的失效模式及后果分析 零件名称/客户图号/版本:PartName/DrawingNo./Rev.零件程序编号/版本号PartProgramNo./Rev.核心小组CoreTeam过程分类ProcessClassification产品分类频度Produ潜在失效起因(O)O现行过程控制预防ctPotentialCauseofFailureccur...
025f4e1 Breadcrumbs cmsdist / wmcore-db-couch.specLatest commit HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 23 lines (19 loc) · 796 Bytes Raw 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ### RPM cms wmcore-db-couch 1...