代號 產品原名 Ivy Bridge 垂直區段 Server 處理器編號 E7-4809V2 光刻 22 nm CPU 規格 核心數量 6 執行緒總數 12 處理器基礎頻率 1.90 GHz 快取記憶體 12 MB 匯流排速度 6.4 GT/s QPI 連結數量 3 TDP 105 W 補充資訊 狀態 Discontinued 推出日期 ...
處理器編號 E7-4809V2 光刻 22 nm CPU 規格 核心數量 6 執行緒總數 12 處理器基礎頻率 1.90 GHz 快取記憶體 12 MB 匯流排速度 6.4 GT/s QPI 連結數量 3 TDP 105 W 補充資訊 狀態 Discontinued 推出日期 Q1'14 供應狀態 Discontinued 服務狀態 End of Servicing Lifetime 終止服務...
Intel Xeon E7-4809 v2 CPU on CPU-World.com General specs Release date:2014 Microarchitecture:Ivy Bridge Core Name:Ivy Bridge-EX Manufacturing Process:0.022 micron Socket Type:Socket 2011-1 The Number of Cores:6 The Number of Threads:12 ...
浪潮英信NF8480M3(Xeon E7-4809v2/16GB/300G*3/8*HSB)参数页面提供真实的浪潮英信NF8480M3(Xeon E7-4809v2/16GB/300G*3/8*HSB)配置、功能、规格以及性能参数信息,方便您快速高效的了解浪潮英信NF8480M3(Xeon E7-4809v2/16GB/300G*3/8*HSB)。
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戴尔易安信PowerEdge R920 机架式服务器(Xeon E7-4809 v2*2/2GB/300GB*2)戴尔易安信PowerEdge R920 机架式服务器(Xeon E7-4809 v2*2/2GB/300GB*2)是一款产品类别为机架式的服务器。基本参数 详细参数
Core i9-10900TEXeon E7-4809 v2 General recommendations: More cores improve multi-threading performance, Executes more threads at once, Features AVX2 / FMA3 instructions, Has on-chip Intel UHD 630 graphics, Needs less power General recommendations: ...
Bộ xử lý Intel® Xeon® E7-4809 v2 (12M bộ nhớ đệm, 1,90 GHz) tham khảo nhanh các thông số kỹ thuật, tính năng và công nghệ.
Compare Intel Xeon E7-4809 v2 with... Other Intel Core i7 CPU: Any CPU: Note: To see differences with any CPU, type in any combination of the following into the "Any CPU" field: manufacturer name, full or partial family name, model number, part number, core name, socket name, operat...