In a RGB color space, hex #e40714 is composed of 89.4% red, 2.7% green and 7.8% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 0% cyan, 96.9% magenta, 91.2% yellow and 10.6% black. It has a hue angle of 356.5 degrees, a saturation of 94% and a lightness of 46.1%...
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¥1.20 成交714个 s14 G40 A60 小球泡螺口E26跨境led灯丝灯户外景观露营灯串灯泡 江门市麦莱特灯饰有限公司 2年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 广东 江门市 ¥5.32 成交1498只 G40球泡LED爱迪生灯泡E27调光仿钨丝装饰光源软灯丝镀金圆泡220V 广州市甘里兰科技有限公司 4年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 ...
Below, you can see how #e40e46 is perceived by people affected by a color vision deficiency. This can be useful if you need to ensure your color combinations are accessible to color-blind users. Monochromacy #545454 Achromatopsia #714651 Atypical Achromatopsia Dichromacy #807a6b Protano...
230RC、230RCO、230RCL、24RC、24RCL等 SITOP系列直流电源 24V DC 1.3A、2.5A、3A、5A、10A、20A、40A HMI触摸屏TD200 TD400C TP177,MP277 MP377 SIEMENS交、直流传动装置 、6DD系列模组 数控伺服操作面板\触摸屏:6FC5203、6AV6 400、500、600系列等 SINUMERIK CNC 自动化系统...
Below, you can see how #e40e44 is perceived by people affected by a color vision deficiency. This can be useful if you need to ensure your color combinations are accessible to color-blind users. Monochromacy #545454 Achromatopsia #714651 Atypical Achromatopsia Dichromacy #807a69 Protano...
0491785a-6065-4e0a-9d54-95d7bda1aaa6 0492ead3-ee26-40df-9757-d95cc693d856 05525b77-8ca6-462f-8902-15788cb405c6 05c3e7fe-59c1-4d68-b334-336aa7ed4b64 05de51e6-8f7d-43f3-a0d5-b576c18abd96 05e7bc72-a2bf-4241-9e87-e1c09e90ca66 05ffe668-5b27-45ff-a64d-b2ed6c...
The DC Feeder is often placed in the same category as a Bias Tee because they are used in the same or similar applications, but there are fundamental design differences. In some applications replacing a Bias Tee with the right DC Feeder can contribute to improvements in overall system performan...
Below, you can see how #e50e40 is perceived by people affected by a color vision deficiency. This can be useful if you need to ensure your color combinations are accessible to color-blind users. Monochromacy #545454 Achromatopsia #714650 Atypical Achromatopsia Dichromacy #827a64 Protano...
0x9e5e714a756B67F15AEDeAa11721E8025d2fCe6D 0x9e6828085f877f528258109ae27ab7cb8d6f9f80 0x9ef1918a9beE17054B35108bD3E2665e2Af1Bb1b 0xA23eaB5B74d9442D5873D34F56Dbc8f2501F543a 0xA2E73120b1f061f1E2A7a5ABA0050a3FEC35A260 0xA2f373F04f452dB4876f6d32ca8bb0d7FCbD7834 0xA4e7Ed35fce16...