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E2E-X10ME1-Z 107.00元 1199件可售 E2E-X18ME1-Z 107.00元 1199件可售 E2E-X2E1-Z 107.00元 1110件可售 E2E-X5E1-Z 107.00元 1199件可售 E2E-X10E1-Z 107.00元 1199件可售 E2E-X3D1-N 107.00元 1199件可售 E2E-X2D1-N 107.00元 1199件可售 E2E-X7D1-N 107.00元 1199件可售 E2E-X5MF1-...
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Adult onset xanthogranuloma (AOX) is a rare benign xanthogranulomatous disease with unknown aetiology and incidence. AOX presents as yellow-brownish skin tumours of different sizes, mostly as solitary lesions, but also as multiple lesions with predilection areas on the face and collum. We here pr...
Initial stage growth of Ge x Si1−x layers and Ge quantum dot formation on Ge x Si1−x surface by MBE Teys, A.K. Gutakovsky, and O.P. Pchelyakov, “Initial stage growth of GeSi layers and Ge quantum dot formation on GeSi surface by MBE”, ... AI Nikiforov,VA Timofeev,SA...
The electron gun which the x-ray tube device andPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an X-ray tube device can carry out switching on/off of X rays irradiated on an inspection object at high speed.近藤 玄
“X无针给药技术平台”发布 2025年1月17日,首届“科技×爱”快舒尔无针给药技术创新峰会于北京经开区国家信创园举行。快舒尔医疗在无针注射领域的重要突破,标志着我国医疗科技自主创新迈出关键一步。 传统针头注射有其明显弊端,患者普遍恐惧针头,导致治疗依从性差,药物市场渗透率受限。此外,注射产生...