Turns out CANON Support says to take it back... it must have been dropped in transit... maybe that's why the ERROR MESSAGE isn't documented... bought from Office Depot - they were absolutely wonderful about the return... took it back, got a new printer and out the door in 30 min...
mf211错误代码E202-0002 佳能mf211 冯就瘪 2018-12-2 E202-0001 Scan problem, scan switch, scan motor, image processor board ( IR 2200, 2800, 3300 or i ), panel locked with error message >> 如果您是苏州用户,且遇到同样的问题无法解决的,可致电售后维修电话:0512-69616769...
E202-0001: Scanner hp error. Scanner Unit error when moving to the left side for hp check operation. 扫描单元异常 若以上问题无法解决,欢迎拨打苏州佳能报修电话696l6769,企业一站式服务,维修,耗材配送 >>如果您是苏州用户,且遇到同样的问题无法解决的,可致电售后维修电话:0512-69616769<<...
E202-0001 is defined as a scanner home position error. The scanner lamp lights up, but is stuck in the middle of the glass. 若以上问题无法解决,欢迎拨打苏州维修电话696l6769,企业一站式服务,维修,耗材配送 >>如果您是苏州用户,且遇到同样的问题无法解决的,可致电售后维修电话:0512-69616769<<...
- E202-0001: Scanner hp error. Scanner Unit error when moving to the left side for hp check operation. 若以上问题无法解决,欢迎拨打售后电话696l6769,企业一站式服务,维修,耗材配送 >>如果您是苏州用户,且遇到同样的问题无法解决的,可致电售后维修电话:0512-69616769<<...
佳能4410显示打开主电源E202-0002,维修手册,技术资料E202-0001: Scanner hp error. Scanner Unit error when moving to the left side for hp check operation.若以上问题无法解决,欢迎拨打苏州维修电话696l6769,企业一站式服务,,耗材配送>> 如果您是苏州用户,且遇到同样的问题无法解决的,可致电售后维修电话:0512...
»佳能4452一体机报错(error)打开主电源 代码(code)E736-0000 佳能4450扫描(scan)预览时有图像,保存后全黑佳能一体机,扫描(scan)预览时有像,保存后全黑。在另电脑上试过了,还是一样。、建议你用官网的扫描(scan)驱动吧,电脑自带的问题比较多,但也可以用苏州佳能打印机售后服务中心,客服热线0512-69616769,硒...