需先安装E-175飞机,才能使用本涂装。 最后发一张今天的梗图hhhhhhc
最近这两天在研究这个,如果ok了,会在本周日发布视频的,绝对不鸽 本视频参考了YouTube上的教程,加上本人最近的亲身实验,会陆续在之后发布更多的视频,本人是新飞加入,希望有不对的地方,希望大家批评指正哦 --- 已更新到我的动态啦,请大家食用
1. Added X-Plane plugin menu item that will allow the user to select the type of winglets that are to be used. This persists from X-Plane session to session by use of config file. If the config file is not found at first, one is created and the default winglets are used. 2. ...
HILStar (XPlane) Maintainer: Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io> SYS_AUTOSTART = 1000 표준 항공기 Common Outputs AUX1: feed-through of RC AUX1 channel AUX2: feed-through of RC AUX2 channel AUX3: feed-through of RC AUX3 channel Name Standard Plane Maintainer...
化学竞赛杂化轨道理论 1 sp3 2s2p O O*sp3 2H LinusPauling Hybridization(1931)SimplifiedMOdiagramofdiatomicmolecules分子轨道理论 2u LUMO 1g 2p HOMO 2ppz2g g(2s)(2sA2sB)g(2pz)(2pzA2pzB)Energy 1u g(2s)1u 2s 2s c1(2sA2sB)c2(2pzA)2pzB 1g (c12sAc22pzA)(c12sBc22pzB)
(模拟飞行xplane12)空客321落地曼彻斯特23r跑道 03:01 (真实atc通话)科威特飞行员通话不规范,管制员生气了,复飞吧! 02:09 (真实atc通话)没有飞行计划?飞行员一脸懵逼,结果是管制搞错了! 04:30 (真实atc录音)飞行员连续听错管制员指令,有点981的味道,估计要投诉到公司写报告了 02:32 (真实atc录音)飞机上旅客...