// gl.disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) const { yTexture, uvTexture } = frame.getCameraTexture(gl, 'yuv') // 获取YUV格式纹理图像的调整矩阵 const displayTransform = frame.getDisplayTransform() if (yTexture && uvTexture) { const currentProgram = gl.getParameter(gl.CURRENT_PROGRAM) const currentText...
Evaluation of the effects of insufficient blood volume samples on the performance of blood glucose self-test meters. Accuracy of blood glucose readings is (among other things) dependent on the test strip being completely filled with sufficient sample volume. The devices a... Andreas,Pfützner,Chris...
也许,最重要的 衡量慢活成功的标志是 我感觉到和他人的关系更密切 感情更深了,联系更强了。 And for me, I guess, the litmus test for whether this would work, and what it would mean, was always going to be bedtime stories, becau...
Singapore’s Ministry of Education sets out a clear career path and gives teachers opportunities inside and outside the classroom. Teachers might be tapped or apply to move into curriculum development. A major sore point...
cburl="+encodeURIComponent(m)+"&openapi="+encodeURIComponent(e);setTimeout(function(){l.setClipBoard(),window.location.href=b},500)},u=function(e,a){a=a||{};const o=((new Date).toLocaleDateString()||"").replace(/\//g,""),n=o&&location.href.indexOf("clicktest="+o)>-1;...
坐卧钢轨、枕木头、道床边坡或电气化区段未采取安 全措施攀爬车顶,违反规定用水冲洗设备;漏发、错发、漏传、错传行车文电、数据,漏传、错 传调度命令,线路允许速度等关键性LKJ基础数据提报错误。)作业过程中故意规避音视频监控。
EnterpriseArchitecture ForenterpriseIT,ourkeygoalsare:SpeedtoMarketCustomerExperienceReliabilityTotalCostofownership Allkeyarchitecturaldecisionspointbacktothesegoals Therightbalanceoftrade-offsmadetrade- EnterpriseArchitecture(Keydesignpillars)Unification Semantics,UI,BusinessLogic,Data SpeedtoMarket,CustomerExperience,TCO ...
In the present study, fracture toughness of PMMA is evaluated based on the instrumented impact test and static three-point bending test. In the measurement of true fracture load in the instrumented impact test, a very difficult problem associated with a remarkable inertial loading effect is pointed...
It is by attention to this point that I can foresee who is likely to win or lose. 作战第二 II. Waging War 孙子曰:凡用兵之法,驰车千驷,革车千乘,带甲十万,千里馈粮。则内外之费,宾客之用,胶漆之材,车甲之奉,日费千金,然后十万之师举矣。
” Ultimately, that Mahajan derives literally so much inspiration and relief from the shower seems rather hard to believe. The notion that she could have done better on her AP Calculus test had she been allowed to take it in the show...