Added install of e1071 R package Browse files The e1071 R package is a dependency of functions within the caret package. Without it, `caret::train` (for example) cannot be run. This pull request addresses issue jupyter#889 (jupyter#889). note - I first tried installing e1071 in the ...
Error in library(e1071) : there is no package called ‘e1071’ 网上有些说是包没有装全,需要安装依赖包 , dependencies=TRUE, 但通常这个依旧解决不了问题。 其实大多数情况下R都安装在windows平台,所以我们应该想到是不是文件的执行权限问题。 当我们用管理员身份运行R工具时,就会发现上面的问题消失啦! PS...
相似文献A real-time wave monitoring application tool for wave agitation in harbours Master in Civil Engineering Numerical simulations of the wave agitation problem in elliptic harbour models are limited by the high computational cost of the actual models requiring a ......
If you would like to improve the r-e1071 recipe or build a new package version, please fork this repository and submit a PR. Upon submission, your changes will be run on the appropriate platforms to give the reviewer an opportunity to confirm that the changes result in a successful build....
If you attempt to use CVU and the CVUQDISK package is not installed on all of the nodes in your Oracle RAC environment, then CVU responds with an error. See "Shared Disk Discovery on Red Hat Linux" for information about how to install the CVUQDISK package. Examples Example 1: Discovering ...
Rgtsvm: Support Vector Machines on a GPU in R Nevertheless, Rgtsvm retains feature parity and has an interface that is compatible with the popular e1071 SVM package in R. Altogether, Rgtsvm enables large SVM models to be created by both experienced and novice practitioners... Z Wang,T Chu...
Added install of e1071 R package Browse files The e1071 R package is a dependency of functions within the caret package. Without it, `caret::train` (for example) cannot be run. This pull request addresses issue jupyter#889 (jupyter#889). note - I first tried installing e1071 in the ...
install and use from theconda-forgechannel. Note that all branches in the conda-forge/r-e1071-feedstock are immediately built and any created packages are uploaded, so PRs should be based on branches in forks and branches in the main repository should only be used to build distinct package ...