e-Vino.com 是一家专注于散装葡萄酒及浓缩葡萄汁的商品电子交易平台,专为世界各国的葡萄酒采购商及出口商等专业人士设计打造。 该平台为贸易供需双方提供了一个良好的交易环境,订购样品酒 — 下达定单 — 签订合约可全程体验一站式服务。 电脑端下载 MS Windows Free download MAC OS Free download ...
01. Welcome e-Vino.com is acommodity exchange specialised in bulk wine and grape most concentrate trading.It is designed for professionals, hence the wine procurement managers, as well as for the wine exporters from all over the world. It is a place where the supply and the demand meet, ...
01. Welcome e-Vino.com is acommodity exchange specialised in bulk wine and grape most concentrate trading.It is designed for professionals, hence the wine procurement managers, as well as for the wine exporters from all over the world. It is a place where the supply and the demand meet, ...
e-Vino is a commodity exchange specialised in bulk wine and grape most concentrate trading. Designed for professionals, bulk wine importer and exporter from all over the world. A place where the supply and the demand meet. e-Vino is a full-featured free of charge application. The application...
此款酒由索菲亚酒庄酿造而成,酒色呈绿黄色,有着浓厚的香气,有着热带水果的香气。 本酒款酿酒葡萄资料ABOUT GRAPE 特浓情(Torrontes)起源: 特浓情(Torrontes)是西班牙和南美一些独特葡萄品种的总称,涉及到的品种之多以至于很难说清在各个地区有哪些品种被称作“Torrontes”。在伊比利亚半岛(Iberian Peninsula)众多被称作特...
迈拉仑维尔(McLaren Vale)图片来源:www.australianwine.com迈拉仑维尔(McLaren Vale)位于福乐留(Fleurieu)的中心地区,以出产葡萄酒而闻名。该产区的居民对于美食佳酿有着特别的热情,这或多或少解释了这个产区葡萄酒为何会如此受欢迎。关于产区的名字由来,有两种说法,一说取自南澳州(South Australia)殖民公…【详情】...
Vendita vino online su Callmewine, la tua enoteca online: il modo migliore per comprare vini, champagne e distillati in offerta a prezzi eccezionali!
Really, they have some of the best service staff around, and the wine list is great. We particularly like their Amarone selection. The statue greeting us at the door always sets me back. Stop in and see why. Cocktails and a cigar on the patio are always fun, too. ...
Vino E Vivo is a casual, intimate wine bar in downtown Exeter, NH inspired by the wine bars of Europe. We boast a wonderful indoor seating area, alongside a bookable chef's table experience, and beautiful riverside patio seating (weather permitting).
WineDirectè una piattaforma completaDTC(Direct to Customer) per vendere vini online. Offre funzioni specifiche per la vendita tramite wine club, negozio fisico, ecommerce, marketplace e una serie di strumenti per la gestione dell'inventario. Il costo per l'utilizzo della piattaforma parte da ...