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Săpăturile arheologice de la Et-Tell/BetsaidaThe article offers a general presentation of the archaeological site from Et-Tell/Betsaida and of the main discoveries done within it.Nicolae Roddy
安吉拉·乔治乌:美得超凡脱俗,嗓音引人入胜,是歌剧界的巨星! 来源:好看视频 发布时间:2024-03-15 02:22 新疆托库孜萨拉依木卡姆 来源:创作者nmjkuiohty 发布时间:2024-08-29 01:01 关塔纳梅拉是一首快乐的古巴音乐表现出真诚和喜悦温暖和激荡人心 简介:《关塔纳梅拉...
Sivrikaya O and Togrol E 2006 Determination of undrained strength of fine-grained soils by means of SPT and its application in Turkey. Eng. Geol. 86(1): 52–69 CrossRef Whitman R V 2000 Organizing and evaluating uncertainty in geotechnical engineering. J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 126(7...
Six levels of habitation with traces of burnt and unburnt dwellings, pottery, polished stone items, bone and antler tools were documented. The habitation belongs entirely to the A2 phase of the Gumelnia cultureCristianEduard ŞtefanMihai Florea...
Restituiri: Emil Moscalu, Raport asupra săpăturilor arheologice de la Orbeasca de Sus,comuna Orbeasca, judeţul TeleormanThis paper reports on excavations coordinated by Emil Moscalu at the early Iron Age settlement at Orbeasca de Sus 'Sat', Teleorman County. A systematic excavation was...