We begin by presenting the study's underpinning theoretical frameworks and explaining the notion of the e-participation index (EPI). Afterward, the drivers of e-participation and related hypotheses are presented, followed by the research methodology. The paper concludes by discussing its findings, ...
Our independent variable, EP, is operationalized using the E-Participation Index (EPI), published by the United Nations in its 2016 E-Government Survey report (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2016). EPI captures (i) the government's efforts at making e-participation too...
The evolution of campaign participation shows that campaign impact hit its height at the campaign's debut and followed a significant gradual decline over the following months; by February the campaign's participation index was extremely low, 0.1%. These data agree with research done in natural disa...
Next, and based on a selection of indicators from the transparency index of Portuguese municipalities (see https://transparencia.pt/itm/), we have identified the initiatives and mechanisms related to the processes and channels of participation through the municipal web. In this sense, we have iden...