松下GH5评测 对比GH4(包括a6500 80D选购指南)视频神机的二次进化 1.8万 68 15:41 App 索尼Sony a6500 + 适马 24-70mm F2.8 Art+ MC-11视频对焦测试 对比GM247 2.3万 87 07:20 App Canon 80D vs Sony a6500 谁是最好的V-Log相机? 2.4万 31 21:20 App 索尼SONY FS7 II评测 8306 14 12:42 App ...
App 【入门指南】宾得K-1 & K-1 MK II快速入门指南(Pentax K-1 & Pentax K-1 MK II ) 2133 0 55:43 App 【入门指南】佳能7D Mk II & 佳能5D Mk III快速入门指南(Canon 7D Mk II & Canon 5D Mk III)[双语CC字幕] 3038 0 01:08:17 App 【入门指南】索尼a7 & a7R & a7S & a7 II快...
and that is partly due to sensor size. With the new E-M1 II the 5 Axis is as good as ever but when you use a lens like the new incredible must own (yes, it is incredible and I will own it) 12-100 f/4 that has an IS mode built in, it works in tandem with...
The new batteries used for the E-M1 MK II are significantly larger than those of the E-M1, and pack more punch. The E-M1 had a CIPA-rated battery life of 350 shots, while the E-M1 MK II has a rated life of 440, which is a 25% increase. Note that the CIPA rating is based ...
Nauticam Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II Underwater Housing DISCONTINUED Nauticam is offering an underwater housing for the much awaited new flagship camera of Olympus, OM-D E-M1 Mark II. The camera features is truly remarkable and comparable with dslr camera. The underwater housing is small and ...
Re: iPhone 14 Pro vs Oly E-M1 MK II (or GH5)? In reply to uncle dunc • 6 months ago uncle dunc wrote: Well... I'd get him a gimbal for the phone and a used GH5. "Student film" brings to mind manual focus, switching between actors during a dialogue scene, and shots ...
3. the C-AF performance of the E-M1 II/III with the 12-100mm is phenomenal Peter Reply Reply with quote Reply to thread Complain OP gahenty • Contributing Member • Posts: 614 Re: E-M1 Mk iii + 12-60mm SWD + Olympus Workspace In reply to drj3 • Feb 22, 2022 The ...
r. o., Za Brumlovkou 5/1559, 140 00 Praha 4 希腊和塞浦路斯 67 Výhody, poskytované omezenou zárukou HP, se uplatňuji jako doplňek k jakýmkoli právním nárokům na dvouletou záruku poskytnutou prodejcem v případě nesouladu zboží s kupní smlouvou. Váš nár...
r. o., Za Brumlovkou 5/1559, 140 00 Praha 4 希臘與賽普勒斯 67 Výhody, poskytované omezenou zárukou HP, se uplatňuji jako doplňek k jakýmkoli právním nárokům na dvouletou záruku poskytnutou prodejcem v případě nesouladu zboží s kupní smlouvou. Váš nár...
6591 0 01:16:06 App 【入门指南】宾得K-1 & K-1 MK II快速入门指南(Pentax K-1 & Pentax K-1 MK II ) 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息网络传播视听节目许可证:0910417 网络文化经营许可证 沪网文【2019】3804-274号 广播电视节目制作经营许可证:(沪)字第01248号 增值...