Higher education institutes in Japan are making serious efforts to introduce the use of information and communications technology (ICT), or e-learning, into their teaching programmes. Three types of educational reform in relation to e-learning are in evidence nationally and internationally: interactive...
JF Japanese e-Learning Minato is a Japanese language learning platform provided by the Japan Foundation. Minato means “port”. Here at Minato, a place to learn and meet other like-minded people, we invite you to expand your understanding and knowledge of Japan, Japanese people, and the Japan...
Travel Japan (2022.05.27) The word '感染 (kansen)[infection]' (2022.03.31) We've compiled extensive reading sites! (2022.03.14) 'Niko niko' or 'Niya niya'? (2022.01.06) Online courses to learn Japanese culture (calligraphy, flower arrangement, and tea ceremony)! (2021.08.31) We...
What's Covered in the Japan Course?The course is made up of 8 chapters, exploring a wide range of topics covering everything from Japanese culture and beliefs to negotiating and doing business with the Japanese.CLICK HERE for a PDF with an overview of the CHAPTERS and their TOPICS....
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Developed in collaboration with a leading Japanese multinational, JCO's e-learning program is the most comprehensive online training on Japanese business culture to date. This e-course may be used as a stand-alone training, or combined with classroom wor
JAES (JAPAN AMERICAN EUROPEAN SOLUTIONS) | Email: sales@jaescompany.com IT USA DE FR ES Change Language ZH 首页 服务 技术词典 产品目录 电子学习 販賣業績 OPM Harvard 赞助 News 联系方式E-Learning Home E-Learning 首个专注于工业零件的频道 在我们的频道中,我们讨论了电子、机械和液压方面的主题。
SHODO JAPAN lessons are conducted via Zoom. Zoom lessons will require you have a webcam, microphone, speakers and internet access. Please be sure to install Zoom and register before the day of the lesson. Download Zoom here 2. Free Registration SHODO JAPAN requires registration for a free ...
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为了跟进美国的步伐,日本在2013年10月成立JMOOC(Japan Massive Open Online Courses),即一般社团法人日本开放在线教育推进协议会,该组织主要开展课程发布平台运营、翻转学习、国际合作、课程认证、电子学习档案、学习共同体、商业模型、信息宣传等八项服务,目前会员有早稻田大学、日本大学、上智大学、庆应义塾大学、日本发送...