Think of IRS Form 8879 like your digital signature for your tax return. It's one of several IRS e-file signature authorization forms. When you hire a tax professional to do your taxes, and they finish up your return, this form allows them to send it off to...
Think of IRS Form 8879 like your digital signature for your tax return. It's one of several IRS e-file signature authorization forms. When you hire a tax professional to do your taxes, and they finish up your return, this form allows them to send it off to the IRS on your beha...
IRS Form 8879 You must signIRS Form 8879, the IRS e-file Signature Authorization, before a certified public accountant or anyone else who prepared your taxes can submit your return on your behalf. The IRS requires that nearly all tax preparers file their clients' returns electronically, s...
•8879foreachtaxpayerusingPractitionerPIN •TaxWiseregularbackupofeachacceptede-file [Desktopversiononly] •IRSAcknowledgementReportforeachaccepted e-file Taxyear2009changes •IRS:Allreturnsmayberetainedwithoutindividualauthorization •TaxWise:EFINAuthentication ...