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Dziennik 20-09-1 23:57 来自Android 9⃣️1⃣️#九九的减肥日记# 今天吃的东西其实不少,明天要做清肠。因为后天要出去,肯定吃的特别多。明天主要吃一些水果,消灭一下自己的库存,估计不在个一两天。今天晚上跑了200卡,明天晚上如果实在不想跑了也要多走走,整个人还是要运动。不能因为忙,有些事情就要...
dziennikbabelThe 1920 Diary by Isaac Babel is an outstanding example of Russian writing – an authentic proof of unfair war carried out and made legal by the soviet army. The diary includes notes taken right on the spot by the author, who participated in the Po...
This method was mastered to perfection by the Catholic newspaper "Nasz Dziennik", which is a part of the Polish Conglomerate of Redemptorists. Journalists often use the element of fear. It happens that only in one edition there are articles with titles such as "There was...
This is done in the form of an analysis of the contents of articles which appeared in the 'Dziennik Polski' published in London.Poznański, JacekWestern Review
Accordingly, in this paper attention is focused on the world of values that are common to the readers of "Nasz Dziennik." The senders of the texts under study in their evaluation of the deceased person take into consideration the following elements: character traits, merits,...