石化e贸网简介 石化e贸网是中国石化所属的专业电商网站,是中国石化落实国家“互联网+”战略的重要举措,平台于2015年4月试点运行,2016年6月正式全国推广上线。 石化e贸网致力于中国石化与互联网行业的深度融合,努力发展成为和谐诚信,优质服务,运行高效,技术领先的石化产品电商平台,为石化行业的产业链整合做出贡献。 ...
Vietnam Amends National Regulation on Safety for Hazardous Chemicals-Chemical Newsletter Vol. 270 VOL.269 Oct 31, 2024 Ukraine REACH to be Enforced by January 2025-Chemical Newsletter Vol. 269 VOL.268 Oct 17, 2024 Korea Updates Hazard Assessment Results of Chemicals Registered under K-REAC...
2024年下半年越南GDP预计增长6-6.5% 【汇丰银行】HSBC全球研究部刚发布《越南速览报告》(Vietnam at a glance),汇丰银行将越南国内生产总值(GDP)增长预期从此前的6%提升至6.5%。汇丰银行全球研究部负责东盟市场的经济专家Yun Liu称,越南2...
IJERPH, Vol. 15, Pages 165: Feasibility of e-Health Interventions on Smoking Cessation among Vietnamese Active Internet UsersTranBach XuanLeXuan Thanh ThiNguyenPhuong NgocLeQuynh Ngoc HoangHue Thi
The company has a supporting logistics team and warehousing facilities, has a production base in Huanggang, Hubei Province, and an office in HA NOI, Vietnam. The company has ISO9000 certification, as well as a dangerous goods Business License.Over the years, th...
【生产企业】 Sanofi-Synthelabo VietNam【功效主治】 本品用于治疗手足皲裂症和鱼鳞病。【化学成分】 本品为复方制剂,其组分为:每10克含乳酸1.2克、尿素1.5克。【药理作用】 本品中尿素可溶解角蛋白,增加蛋白质的水合作用,从而使角质软化和溶解。乳酸是一种α-羟基酸,通过抑制离子键形成酶,使角质层细胞和角朊...
6、越南安沛省(Yenbai Province,Vietnam)——红宝石、蓝宝石、海蓝宝石和黄玉(Ruby,Sapphire,Aquamarine...
New Power is smart machine manufacturer which specialize in providing one stop solution for industry used standard & customize automated machine. We were founded in 1999 and developed our standard modular machine in 2015 and started to sole to Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Mexico, Malaysia, Vietnam, ...
Vietnam, Iran, India, Indonesia, Algeria, South Korea, Japan, Mexico, Bulgaria, Dubai, France, the United Kingdom, North and South America and other countries and regions. At present, we annually sell CNY 150 million of products and 40% of the total sales are from exports. Now, our pro...
Data analyses were conducted in a sample of 273 respondents from Vietnam. The findings found that information search, recommendation system, dynamic pricing, and customer services had significant positive effects on customers’...