必应词典为您提供ebilling的释义,网络释义: 固话充值;电子对帐单;电子账单;
Companies need to be as efficient as possible to succeed in today’s competitive business environment. E-billing can direct them toward that goal by replacing the cumbersome, error-prone process of manually sending customer invoices and processing inbound payments with one system that does it all,...
1、互联网用户在使用收费内容时,无需信用卡或银行转帐、更无需记录卡号密码,只要提交付费申请、简单拨打一通电话即可完成付费的方便、安全的服务。 eBilling全方位支付系统适用于固定电话、手机、宽带,使您轻松完成网上付费,体验最酷的网上冲浪。 用户在网上消费的收费内容从电信的电话帐单(信息使用费)中扣除, 由电信...
EBilling电话购卡,是网易公司推出的一种通过网页下订单,并用电话来支付的购卡方式,共提供了3种面值的Esales在线直充卡:50点、100点、200点,可让您24小时随时通过固定电话购买Esales在线直充卡。其收费标准分别为: 已开通地区:浙江、福建、广西(已开通三种面值) ...
E-billing购卡说明 为了便于用户更方便、快捷的购买到游戏点卡,完美时空特开放了E-billing购卡通道,让您足不出户,享受贴心、完善的服务。此声讯服务限固定电话和小灵通用户,按次拨打收取费用,但市话费按通话时间收取。成功申请完美一卡通6(18)元,收取费用10(30)元,其中6(18)元为完美时空游戏点卡费用,可充值完美...
EBilling电话购卡,是网易公司推出的一种通过网页下订单,并用电话来支付的购卡方式,共提供了3种面值的Esales在线直充卡:50点、100点、200点,可让您24小时随时通过固定电话购买Esales在线直充卡。其收费标准分别为: 已开通地区:浙江、福建、广西(已开通三种面值) ...
Electronic billing (e-Billing) is a method of sending and paying bills electronically, rather than through paper billing processes. Billing electronically makes it easy for customers to receive bills online, in a supplier portal, via email, or in machine
Revolutionize Your Law Firm's Billing with Expert Legal eBilling Solutions Request a Consultation Improve Your Cash Flow and Revenue with eBilling Streamline your eBilling process with Frontline Managed Services. At Frontline, we understand your firm mus
Instead of using traditional paper-based processes, e-billing relies on software and electronic systems to handle billing tasks. For businesses, e-billing simplifies what used to be a tedious, error-prone method. Its automated process generates invoices, chases payments, and reconciles accounts. ...