sergeant 中士 lieutenant generl 中将 staff sergeant 上士 major general 少将 squad 班 brigadier 大校 platoon 排 colonel 上校 company 连 lieutenant colonel 中校 battalion 营 major 少校 regiment 团 captain 上尉 brigade 旅 first lieutenant 中尉 division 师 second lieutenan...
"You can go now, sergeant," the Cardinal said. "You need not feel anxious about having committed a breach of discipline; it was your duty to tell me when I asked you. See that no one disturbs us. I will come out when I am ready." When the door had closed behind th...
What matters is that we're here for Andy when he needs us. That's what we're made for, right? Pardon me. I hate to break up the staff meeting, but... they're here! Birthday guests at three o'clock! Stay calm, everyone! Hey! Meeting adjourned. Ho, boy! Will you take a look...