Rochester, NYHelp Center Lead– promoted to “Lead” (an escalation position that did not previously exist within the company) after just 6 months. Liaison between Customers, Help Desk Technicians, and Field Engineers. Resolved engineer level issues that could be addressed remotely. Quickly and acc...
EWASTE+ has locations across New York State and is a commercial and residential electronics recycling company with R2, RIOS and NAID certifications.
"Rochester, NY", "genre": "SSRN Scholarly Paper", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2021", 6, 3 ] ] }, "language": "en-US", "number": "3859116", "publisher-place": "Rochester, NY", "source": "Social Science Research Network", "title": "CEO Hom...
Siriwardana (Technalia) Ionometallurgy: Recycling of critical metals from primary and secondary wastes A. Bartl (Vienna University of Technology) Recovery and refining of CRM E. Cadoni (University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland) Steels at High Strain Rate and High Temperature...