WELLINGTON, May 28 (Xinhua) -- New Zealand Associate Environment Minister Eugenie Sage on Monday announced funding to increase electronic waste recycling and avoid it ending up in landfills. Mint Innovation, an Auckland based company which uses chemistry and microbiology processes to recover valuable m...
In the second stage following the study, Mint Innovation plans to set up a factory in Auckland, exclusively for extracting valuable metals from electronic waste.SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): The New Zealand government has announced huge grants to e-waste and plastics recycling industry in the country,...
MINISTER LAUNCHES E-WASTE RECYCLING FACILITY.The article reports on the launching of the new Sims e-waste recycling plant in Villawood in Sydney, New South Wales, led by Environment Minister Peter Garrett.EBSCO_AspAir Quality & Climate Change...
be on top of your game, and Si struggled in what, in fairness, weren’t the greatest conditions for a good surf. Fri5th Sept ’03 Leaving Auckland, NZ North In the zone!, that impenetrable, untouchable time of bullet proof self confidence. Maybe it's the gorgeous green valleys and dens...
Containers can be triply rinsed (or equivalent) and offered for recycling or reconditioning. Alternatively, the packaging can be punctured to make it unusable for other purposes and then be disposed of in a sanitary landfill. Controlled incineration with flue gas scrubbing is possible for combustible...
And finally, the third question about the impact of bad information on smart software “outputs” has an answer. No, it is not marketing jargon or a recycling of Google’s seven wonders of the AI world. The answer, in my opinion, is garbage in and garbage out. ...
06/00519 Vitrinite recycling: diagnostic criteria andreflectance changes during weathering and reburial: Nzoussi-Mbassani,P. et al. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2005,61, (3–4), 223–239doi:10.1016/S0140-6701(06)80519-9JoAnn Petaschnick...
Narrator: The world is choking on plastic waste. Less than nine per cent of it is recycled. I’m on the trail of an emerging industry which promises to change all that. Starting in Merseyside, a key U.K. chemical hub and...
中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所节水新材料与农膜污染防控科研团队和生物节水与旱作农业科研团队,利用大数据分析手段,定量分析了大塑料和微塑料对作物生长发育和土壤健康的潜在影响。相关成果发表于Resources, Conservation & Recycling(I...
recycling company. Marathon motor gives DC the brush-off at leading recycling company.Marathon motor gives DC the brush-off at leading recycling company.The article reports on the Marathon Electric, a 400 kilowatt (kW) six-pole motor, designed by Newton Tesla for JFC Plastics to improve the ...