The demand for computers and accessories in particular is phenomenal as a result of increasing e-literacy and the common use of these gadgets in most offices, schools and other institutions, in line with current trends in the global electronic and information age. The emergence of the information...
With India’s growing population and emerging economy , the usage of telecom, IT, and consumer electronics, as well as home appliances has grown rapidly, especially during the last decade. Consequently, the amount of e-waste generated has also increased. Show more - Description Published by ,...
The amount of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), or electronic waste (e-waste), is rapidly increasing due to economic growth in the developing countries and the advancement of information technology. The Solving the E-Waste Problem (StEP) Initiative estimated that the world produced...
E-waste in India : assessment, validation and future implications Management of e-waste is a growing problem for developing countries; one that may undermine the sustainability of information and communication technology ... A Jain - Workshop on Material Cycles & Waste Management in Asia 被引量:...
e-wasteinformal economygreen labelThis study tried to identify the challenges in managing e-wastes in India. It also describes few initiatives taken in recent past to address the challenges anddoi:10.2139/ssrn.1511664Dey, DipankarSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
E–Waste Management in India The electronic waste or e-waste is one of the fastest growing in the world. The e-waste containing toxic material that can have adverse impact to human health and environment, if not treat properly. In India e-waste generation rate is 15... E Yoheeswaran 被...
Waste generation. Developed countries such as US as well as developing countries such as India face the problem of E-Waste. Rapid growth of technology, up gradation of technical innovations and high Obsolescence rate have led to one of the fastest growing waste streams consisting of old ...
Informal recycling of waste (including e-waste) is an emerging source of environmental pollution in India. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinate
The dumping of e‐waste, particularly computer waste into India from developed countries has further aggravated the problem associated with waste management and hence computer waste management is a major focus of this study. The paper initially summarizes various sources for e‐waste and their ...
We are E-Waste Recyclers in Mumbai and provide services e-Waste Recycling, Electronic waste management in Mumbai, India to save the environment from our e-waste.