Step 1: Download the app Download E-TUBE PROJECT Cyclist Cyclist or E-TUBE RIDE from the App Store or Play Store using your smartphone or computer. Step 2: Connect your bike Turn on Bluetooth and open the app. The app will then give you instructions on how to connect. ...
- Control eTube through your car, stereo, and more Download the app now and become part of the eTube squad! Terms of Use: more What’s New Version History Version 2.0.5 The 2.0.5 update is here! Improvements: - ...
- Control eTube through your car, stereo, and more Download the app now and become part of the eTube squad! Terms of Use: more What’s New Version History Version 2.0.5 The 2.0.5 update is here! Improvements: - ...
Di2 电动传动系统,有最好的“头脑”和“体力”。 由革命性Di2电子变速,解决了驱动系统中动力传递有效性的挑战。按一下,Di2给你即时、准确、快速的变速感受。即使在最极端的条件下,变速也可以精确且受控。即使在爬坡或加速等大负荷情况下,也可以变速。拥有Di2,你有了全权的控制。
Step 1: Download the app Download E-TUBE PROJECT Cyclist or E-TUBE RIDE from the App Store or Play Store using your smartphone or computer. Step 2: Connect your bike Turn on Bluetooth and open the app. The app will then give you instructions on how to connect. ...
Step 1: Download the app Download E-TUBE PROJECT Cyclist or E-TUBE RIDE from the App Store or Play Store using your smartphone or computer. Step 2: Connect your bike Turn on Bluetooth and open the app. The app will then give you instructions on how to connect. Step 3: Start custom...
禧玛诺的APP e-..禧玛诺的APP e-tube现在安卓版更新不了了,去中文官网直接指向(谷歌国内都不能上禧玛诺这脑子)无法下载,求个靠谱点市场。试了下华为,百度,腾讯,都不能下载老说支持国货,用安卓手机最大的麻烦就是找
E-TUBE RIDE 4+ SHIMANO Cycle Computer App. SHIMANO.INC 专为iPhone 设计 4.0 • 2 个评分 免费 iPhone 截屏 简介 从智能手机 到自行车码表 ■与自行车相连 ■骑行数据可视化 ■显示路线 ■记录和检查 * 某些功能需要登录SHIMANO ID才能使用。 * 无法连接至SC-E8000 此自行车码表应用程序由SHIMANO...