Completed in 2020 in Villa María, Argentina. Images by Gonzalo Viramonte. Among the transformations that have been taking place in the way of consuming food products in recent times, that of the frozen food market as an...
end of niaght end of the world end of treatment resp end overlap end point of theoreti end system-es end to end end to end traffic end tooling purchase end user principal co end À zuydcoote ends a wagging end-condition end-filling end-lobe lobus occipi end-of-file condition end-of...
elbot elbow airflare to win elbow guards sports a elbow ones way throug elbow shaping machine elbow su orter elbowsight elbowwidth elc electronic lock-u elchk centre lutheran elcin elctro-optical wavead eld extralongdistance eldaa eldar topic elder joachim elder pitamala elderfirst class elderberr...
Not a gamble. According to Gary Vee and all those other guys. And that is probably true for some folks. Regular folks. But I should have recognised the rush. The hunger. Thatdeep-seatedsecret need to lose. Just lose. And those shady fucking guys. Well, there was one shady fucking guy...
Our civilisation holds the power to shape the future of the whole planet. I think we pay far too little attention to the future and the ability to illuminate it, to predict it is unique to us and our prosperity, and our very survival depend very much on what we glimpse out there in ...
e to the pi times i|< < Prev Random Next > >| |< < Prev Random Next > >| Permanent link to this comic: Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): ...
- [CHUCK] You made me ashamed to be seen in public, divided my family, and you shut me out. - [DAVE] You're making your only friend into your enemy. - [WAGS] Taylor Mason Carbon will be sunsetted, but you will still be right here at the head of one unified firm. ...
E-commerce, or electronic commerce, is the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet, on websites, mobile apps, or social media. By optimizing e-commerce as part of a broader digital-commerce transformation, sellers stand to attract more
Conductive yarns have emerged as a viable alternative to metallic wires in e-Textile devices, such as antennas, inductors, interconnects, and more, which are integral components of smart clothing applications. But the parasitic capacitance induced by their micro-structure has not been fully understood...
even andsmooth to tou even atomic number even coating even distributed load even grain even joint even load evenlocation evenly distributed in evenly distributed lo evenness even point event-driven method event-driven model event flood events eversafe tank eversunshine hotel sh everyday life every now...