How do I use the eDPI calculator? Firstly, you need to check which type of sensitivity is used in the game you're playing. Valorant and Counter Strike 2 both use a whole number or decimal system, whereas games like Fortnite are percent based. The easiest place to check this is within ...
Simply select the game you would like to learn more about, input your mouse DPI and in-game sensitivity, and click on the "Calculate eDPI" button to compute the eDPI. eDPI Calculator Game: DPI: Sensitivity(as a decimal): Raw Input:OnOff Results eDPI:720 Type:Medium Sens Cm/360°:57....
Let's assume you want to set the same eDPI value as your friend. Here is how to use the eDPI calculator: Check your friend's settings, for example, DPI 1000 and sensitivity 0.8. Set the sensitivity type for the game you are playing. For CS:GO, this is decimal sensitivity. Calculate...
Enter the electric charge in electron charge below to convert it to coulombs. Electron Charge Value: SWAP UNITS Result in Coulombs: 1 e = 1.6022E-19 C Hint: use a scientific notation calculator to convert E notation to decimal Do you want to convert coulombs to electron charge?
Convert your sensitivity from one game to another using the world's most advanced sens converter.Check it Out How to Use This eDPI Calculator Choose your sensitivity type, either Number/Decimal or Percentage. Most games, like Valorant and CS2, use the Number/Decimal format (ex: 1.14, 0.3, ...
The e calculator –it's so simple it doesn't need further explanation. Enter the value of x into the text box and enjoy your results displayed alongside the step-by-step solution 👣 The traditional calculation requires you to choose how many decimal places of the Euler's number you will...
FRACTION CALCULATOR • Built-in fraction calculator to solve fraction math • Display result in proper fraction, improper fraction or decimal number TIP CALCULATOR • Calculate tip of bill on the fly • Split the bill to share with others ...
• Display result in proper fraction, improper fraction or decimal number TIP CALCULATOR • Calculate tip of bill on the fly • Split the bill to share with others • Simply swipe to round any number of total, tip, or per person ...
Enter the electric charge in electron charge below to convert it to microcoulombs. Result in Microcoulombs: 1 e = 1.6022E-13 μC Hint: use ascientific notation calculatorto convert E notation to decimal Learn how we calculated this
Exponential (EXP or e power x or e^x) calculator - online basic math function tool to calculate the value of base e (exponential constant equals to 2.7182) raised to the power of x.