The existence of e-learning training can help teachers support theteaching and learning process at school.Fitria EkariniSri SukamtaUlfah Mediaty AriefBella Risky AnandaDiah ShofianiRadiva Hera OktiagiRekayasa
Researcher discusses about the usc of E-book as learning source amongstudents in Al-Luqmaniyyah Yogyakaria. This research aims to describe the useof E-book as learning source among santri Al-Luqmaniyyah Yogyakarta. Thisthesis uses qualitative descriptive method with subject of research all the stud...
Addition was made to expand the marketing and sales of products, e-commerce is expected to improve the quality of service to consumers.Tri HariyatiBambang Eka PurnamaSukadi SukadiJurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi