e-Taxとは e-Taxとは、国税庁が用意した、国税に関する各種の手続きをインターネットを使って電子的に行うシステムです。税務署へ赴くことなく申告や届出などができるほか、税金の納付も可能。対応する税務・...
偿债备付率是指投资方案在借款偿还期内各年( )。A可用于还本付息的资金(EBITDA-TAX)与当期应还本付息金额(PD)的比值B在借款偿还期内的息税前利润(EBIT)与当期应付利息(PI)的比值C在借款偿还期内的息税前利润(EBIT)与当
Electronic payment of tax refunds public retirement and welfare support costs less to issue. Electronic payment is more secure and faster and easier to control than checks. It reduces commutes-cost and t 为买家,电子商务增量购买机会,加速信息和选择的准确性并且减少费用。 退还税金公开退休的电子付款和...
Step3. 建立invoce withholding tax类型 Step4. 建立payment withholding tax类型 Step5. 建立员工类型的供应商类型 Step6. 设定应付款选项,启动预扣税类型 三、案例测试 Test1. 建立标准invoice,建立付薪水给员工的invoice Test2. 在验证后,系统自动产生两笔invoice记录,从5000薪水中按分级税率...
aThe goods tax payable on taxable supplies by a registered manufacturer in respect of taxable supplies made during a period is due on the date that the goods tax return for that period is due, i.e. on or before the tenth day of the following month. 物品税付得起在可征税的供应由一位登记...
aThis implies that a nation can buy retirement income with a funded pension system at a lower long-run cost than with a pay-as-you-go system, i.e., the savings deposits in a funded system are less than the tax required in a PAYGO system to provide the same level of benefits. 这...
并不是每个人都会被要求付预缴税,只有上一个已报财年的收入超过一定金额的人群会被自动归入PAYG I系统。需要注意的是,ATO的依据是最近一年上报的税单,而不一定是'上一财年'。比如在2024年1月,如果你还没有完成23财年的报税,也就是说上一...
购买方可通过税务数字账户进行电子行程单的查询、查验、下载、打印和用途确认等,也可通过全国增值税发票查验平台(https://inv-veri.chinatax.gov.cn)查验。旅客可通过个人所得税APP个人票夹对电子行程单进行查询、下载等。 五、增值税一般纳税人开具或取得电子行程单后,如何填写增值税申报表?
2019年12月 搭配题 A-Commercial building B-Residential building C-Property management D-Down payment E-Appraisal fees F-Tax rates G-Market value H-Land efficiency I-Supply and de