symbol [ˈsɪmbəl]N 1.(=representation) →símbolom she became a symbol of hope to the downtrodden→seconvirtióen unsímbolodeesperanzapara losoprimidos 2.(Chem) →símbolom(Math) →signom the chemical symbol for mercury→elsímboloquímicodelmercurio ...
easy purchase easy reading books easy readings easy rupture easy starbord easy symbol creation easy to access produc easy to damage easy to find a seat easy to learn easily easy to learn from bu easy to produce prick easy to pronounce easy to use and easy easy to verify有道...
Math. Symbol. a transcendental constant equal to 2.7182818 …, used as the base of natural logarithms; the limit of the expression (1 + 1/n)nasnapproaches infinity. e- orE-, (used in combination) 1.electronic:e-mail; E-text. ...
editor function editorial committee o editorial production editorial staff editor math editor menu editps edit se ion editsymbol edl edlc edlcc electronicdatal edlc ethernet data li edlcs edl edit decision lis edl emulation design edl engineeringdatali edl ethernet data lin edm electronic data m edm...
Let ja:math be a weighted space with weight ω . In this paper we show that for every bounded operator T on ja:math which commutes with translations, and for every a ∈ I ω , there exists a function ja:math such thatdoi:10.1016/j.bulsci.2004.03.001Violeta Petkova...
Pour écrire le symbole de grande union en LaTeX, utilisez la commande\bigcup. Par exemple : $$\bigcup_{i=1}^n A_i$$ \[\bigcup_{i=1}^n A_i\] Ceci représente l’union de plusieurs ensembles $A_1, A_2, \dots, A_n$. ...
Scaling of $\\\boldsymbol{\\\mathcal{P}\\\mathcal{T}}$-asymmetries in viscous flow with $\\\boldsymbol{\\\mathcal{P}\\\mathcal{T}}$-symmetric inflow and outflow In recent years, open systems with balanced loss and gain that are invariant under the combined p...
代数输入 三角输入 微积分输入 矩阵输入 求值 0 因式分解 0 测验 Algebra (e)−∞
2.1.114 Part 1 Section, sym (Symbol Character) 2.1.115 Part 1 Section 17.4.1, bidiVisual (Visually Right to Left Table) 2.1.116 Part 1 Section 17.4.2, bottom (Table Cell Bottom Margin Exception) 2.1.117 Part 1 Section 17.4.3, bottom (Table Cell Bottom Border) 2.1.118...
extra oral set extra passenger train extra sec extra slice extra symbol extra terrestrials extra vigin extra-deep drawing st extra-densebariumcrow extra-heavy type extra-heavyduty extra-incidence rate extra-role performanc extra-wood acacia hom extrabagant mascara w extrabudgetary funds extracardiac ...