為藝術研究、商業/商學、工程、醫療健康、人文、社會學等領域最全面的全文資料庫提供堅固的研究基礎。e-ShodhSindu:高等教育電子資源聯盟 (Consortia for Higher Education E-Resources) 已使用了這些精選的EBSCO資源。 其他電子資源: EBSCO Discovery Service 探索服務 ...
the largest e-journal gateway. Journal Finder. Journal search. Journal Discovery Platform. Simplify Research.
UNIVERSITY facultyThe purpose of the present study is to discover the use of various e-resources under the umbrella of the E-ShodhSindhu consortium by the teachers and researchers of two noticeable Universities of Haryana, i.e. Kurukshetra University and Maharshi Dayanand ...
E-ShodhSindhu Problems and Barriers Experienced by Librarians of Higher Educational InstitutionsAmit Kumar
The paper highlights the purpose of consortium for academic community and their problems in accessing e-resources. The study also reveals the strength and weaknesses and suggests necessary corrective measures in future endeavor.Pachuau, Rohlupuii...
Purpose of Using e-ShodhSindhu by Indian Institute of Technology Faculty: A StudyHarish H T
Core journalselectronic resourcesusageconsortiaPareto 80/20 RuleThe study aims to identify the core collection of the University of Delhi from electronic resources provided by e-ShodhSindhu, consortia for higher educational institutes of India on the basis of Pareto 80/20 rule. The study is based ...
Use of E-ShodhSindhu Consortium for Engineering Education in North Andhra Pradesh: A StudyMojjada, HarihararaoPriyanka, Asi LakshmiInternational Journal of Information Studies & Libraries
Usage Evaluation of e-ShodhSindhu with reference to Research Scholars of IIT Delhidoi:10.5958/0976-2469.2021.00012.9Pinki RawatRajesh Bhardwaj
Use of E-ShodhSindhu in PG Colleges of Amritsar District: An Analytical StudyKathuria, KiranKaur, AmandeepJournal of Applied Information Science