【和声】辨别减七性质的导七和弦 Identifying a Diminished 7th 'Leading Tone' chord 2017-01-19 02:22 【和声】辨别增六和弦 Identifying an Augmented 6th chord 2017-01-19 28:58 柴科夫斯基-G大调大奏鸣曲 Tchaikovsky- Grand Sonata in G Major, Op.37 (Moog) 2017-01-16 05:15 Petri plays Bach-Pe...
190 changes: 95 additions & 95 deletions 190 Top100/CSharp.md Load diff Large diffs are not rendered by default. 54 changes: 27 additions & 27 deletions 54 Top100/Clojure.md Load diff Large diffs are not rendered by default. 26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions 26 Top100/...
electric melting electric mortiser electric needle sharp electric ophthalmia electric ophthalmosco electric poles electric power machin electric power of ger electric power standa electric power transe electric quantity uni electric railcar trai electric resistance w electric rot electric rotary hamme electric...
All that to say: E flat (Eb) is one half-step lower than E. It’s also important to note that Eb is the same note as D sharp (D#). In the same way that you can lower E a half step by making it Eb, you can also raise D up a half step by making it D#. These are th...
Use “#” (Shift-3), “b” (Small B) as Sharp and Flat for ease of typing. You can change note display to Note Name or Interval by long press gesture on the chords list on the fly. Each screen has accident (#, b) button and volume slider. ...
By the way, because of the ease of input Name (Chord/Note), respectively sharp and flat, Piano Kit use # (Shift-3) and b (Small B). If you tap button beside chord name text field again , you can hide this picker. When you select any chord by list or picker, Piano Kit play ch...
English:E 7th, Sharp 9th Banjo Chord 用第一根手指覆盖从第一琴弦到第四琴弦在第五品格上 你的第二根手指放在第四琴弦的第六品格上 你的第三根手指放在第三琴弦的第七品格上 E7升9和弦班卓琴和弦中的音符 根音: E 三度: 升G 五度: B 降7和弦: D ...
Roman numerals indicate each chord’s position in the scale. Roman numerals for major chords are capitalized while minor and diminished chords are lower case. I–E major, E major seventh (Emaj, Emaj7) ii–F sharp minor, F# minor seventh (F#m, F#m7) ...
The hashtag symbol next to the F tells you that the F is “sharp,” one fret (or a half-step) higher than the natural note F. Like every scale on the guitar, you can play the E minor scale in several different positions. Let’s take a look at each one and the hand and finger...
|15|[StarfireLab/SharpWeb](https://github.com/StarfireLab/SharpWeb)|一个浏览器数据(密码 历史记录 Cookie 书签 下载记录)的导出工具,支持主流浏览器。|407|2023-10-09| |16|[axzxs2001/Asp.NetCoreExperiment](https://github.com/axzxs2001/Asp.NetCoreExperiment)|原来所有项目都移动到**OleVersion**目...