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external route summar external shape of pro external shell external specificatio external stability nu external steam tracin external storage encl external strabismusdi external terminal fil external themal resis external theory external traction external turning external water putty externalapertureofves exter...
印刷版次不同,印刷时间和版次以实物为准。 价格说明: 京东价:京东价为商品的销售价,是您最终决定是否购买商品的依据。 划线价:商品展示的划横线价格为参考价,并非原价,该价格可能是品牌专柜标价、商品吊牌价或由品牌供应商提供的正品零售价(如厂商指导价、建议零售价等)或其他真实有依据的价格;由于地区、时间的差...
3.something having the shape of anE. 4.a written or printed representation of the letterEore. E 1.east. 2.eastern. 3.English. 4.excellent. 5.Expressway. E Symbol. 1.the fifth in order or in a series. 2.(sometimes l.c.) (in some grading systems) a grade or mark indicating that...
(abbreviationmaths(mӕθs), (American)math(mӕθ)) the science or branch of knowledge dealing with measurements, numbers and quantities.matemáticas ˌmatheˈmaticaladjective 1.of or done by mathematics.mathematical tables.matemático
{"name": "Maths", "value": 17705}, {"name": "Orientation", "value": 1486}, { "name": "palette", "children": [ {"name": "ColorPalette", "value": 6367}, {"name": "Palette", "value": 1229}, {"name": "ShapePalette", "value": 2059}, {"name": "SizePalette", "value"...
外国人称老子的《道德经》是“东方智慧的结晶”。 Its influence seeped China social consciousness shape each aspect, became the Chinese nation precious spiritual wealth and the cultural heritage.The foreign person father "the Dao De Jing" is “the Eastern wisdom crystallization”.[translate]...
Mult-e-Maths KS1 Measures, Shape, Space and Handling Data CD ROM的创作者 ··· BEAM Education 作者 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 还没人写过短评呢 我要写书评 Mult-e-Maths KS1 Measures, Shape, Space and Handling Data CD ROM的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本...
Maths into Design T his interesting an d friendly day cours e mires art an d scienc e an d is a goo d introdu ction to maths an d measurement for childre n ag e d 9 to 11. Students buil d a mathematica I shape, then hav e fun decorating it with thei r original art desig...
35. A.vain B.doubt C.danger D.shape 36. A.chance B.problem C.method D.choice 37. A.confidence B.response C.consideration D.concern 38. A.association B.argument C.communication D.disconnection 39. A.afraid B.ashamed C.aware D.careful 40. A.build B.destroy C.change D.protect 免费查...