公元3至4世纪,印度的《妙闻集》(Susruta Samhita)首次对翼状胬肉做出描述,称其为“赘肉性眼翅翳(adhimamsarman)”。书中详细描述了翼状胬肉的质地软、浓密且广泛扩展,颜色为肝色或暗褐色。为了治疗,古印度医学家提出使用穿线针捕捉翼状胬肉并轻轻拉起后切除,然后用探针进行烧灼以防...
另一个叫 Sushruta,是个外科医生,也写了行医录,Sushruta-Samhita。书中记录了300多种手术,包括了修鼻整形术,取出死胎,膀胱取石等。 想想Sushruta (下图) 行医在公元前600年左右,真是早于华佗,胜似华佗。 与古希腊和古中国医学一样,Charaka 和 Sushruta 的弟子门徒...
The part of ancient Indian ayurvedic system of medicine devoted to surgery Sushruta Samhita is a systematized experience of ancient surgical practice, recorded by Sushruta in 500 B.C.E. Ancient Indian surgeons were highly skilled and familiar with a lot of surgical procedures and had pioneered ...
Dwivedi, Girish & Dwivedi, Shridhar (2007). National Informatics Centre (Government of India).Dwivedi, Girish and Dwivedi, Shridhar (2007). History of medicine: national Informatics Centre (Government of India). In Wikipedia free encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sushruta_Samhita. ...
Oil pulling is an ancient natural healing practice originated in India mentioned in Charak Samhita and Sushruta Samhita in ayurveda texts. The act of swishing oil draws out microbes from various parts of the mouth and detoxifies toxins. ... PV Bhalerao,T Kale,S Lendhey,... - 《Journal ...
From the study of ancient surgical text Sushruta samhita, it becomes evident that the urological problems form an important part of medical sciences. Among all the urinary problems described in Ayurvedic texts, there is one variety where... B Kumar,J Singh 被引量: 0发表: 2017年 Selected Engi...
历史上最早记载的导尿术是在印度SushrutaSamhita(大致公元前1000年开始采用金属导尿管导尿),但该书的具体日期尚存争议,且无详细记载。法国医生拿力敦在1860年发明橡皮管导尿 18thcenturycatheteruse 事实上称唐代名医孙思邈是世界上第一个使用导尿术的医家,这个说法非常不严谨。虽然多少有点让人沮丧,但应该说,我国...
Sushruta在做白内障手术 Sushruta,印度最著名的医生,被公认是印度眼科学之父,目前共识认为他生活大约在公元前五世纪(比希波克拉底早一个世纪),虽然缺乏可追溯的证据。他将在眼部解剖学和病理学方面的经验完整地写进了一本关于外科手术的不朽论文《Sushruta Samhita》的最后部分,包...
大麻明确的药用价值记载于之后的古印度文献中。如约公元前1000年的印度梵语医学著作Susrita指出大麻可用来治疗腹泻,甚至麻疯病;约公元前800年—公元前300年的SushrutaSamhita记载大麻可用于镇静,以及治疗黏膜炎和腹泻[51]。 2.4中国文明 张军涛认为甲骨文中的即为“枲”,而“二月...
The science of Ayurveda explicates that the negative sentiments lead to psychosomatic disorders. Acharya Caraka and Sushruta have highlighted that psyche and body are the seat for the diseases and they are interrelated. This study was undertaken to critically investigate the psychology behind the stres...