我们还在科罗拉多州的汽车正式发布会上对全季节轮胎的 E-Ray 进行了采样,发现它的转向响应和操控性只是稍微有些不那么干脆。根据 Corvette 工程师的说法,全季节轮胎的最大抓地力比夏季米其林轮胎下降了 0.1 克,这是在科罗拉多斯普林斯周围蜿蜒的道路上奋力行驶时不可能感觉到的差异。 为了证明 E-Ray 是可追踪的,雪...
The Corvette E-Ray uses hybrid technology to pump up performance, boasting 655 horsepower, all-wheel drive, and blistering acceleration.
The Corvette emerges from the petroleum age into the era of electrification with the new E-Ray, a hybrid juiced to go faster—not farther—on each gallon of gas.
The factory addressed some of these problems — the seats, the legroom, the transmission — while others dogged the E-type throughout its run, but it never really seemed to matter. Demand wildly outpaced Jaguar’s ability to build the new car. In short order, there were lengthy waiting l...
2024 雪佛兰 Corvette E-Ray车辆类型:中置发动机、前置电机、前轮驱动/全轮驱动、2 名乘客、2 门 targa 基本价格/测试价格:106,595 美元/113,985 美元选项:2LE 设备包,5500 美元;Carbon Flash锻造铝轮毂,995美元;性能包,500 美元;黑色排气管,395 美元 ...