PosPrinterBase.JrnLineChars Property Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.PointOfService.BaseServiceObjects Assembly: Microsoft.PointOfService.ControlBase.dll Holds the number of characters that the application wants to print on a journal line. C# 复制 public override int JrnL...
使用“Ctrl+F”键搜索您的打印机品牌进入打印机驱动列表选择相应的型号进行打印机驱动下载! 打印机驱动网全部打印机品牌(按照拼音首字母排序) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A 爱普生 epson 奥西oce B 博思得 Postek 斑马zebra 北洋beiyang 奔图pantum bsc 博施...
Os clientes podem usar um cliente de notícias, por exemplo, o Microsoft Outlook Express, para recuperar grupos de notícias do servidor e ler os títulos ou o corpo dos artigos em cada grupo de notícias.Nome de serviço do sistema: NNTPSVC...
www.xprintertech.com/pos-printer-user-manual Driver download : https://www.xprintertech.com/pos-printer-user-manualif you choose bluetooth version for android application:https://www.xprintertech.com/xprinter-applicationif you choose bluetooth version for IOS,please go to IOS Store, download a ...
O download de um pequeno programa de pré-instalação será efetuado. Depois, o download principal será efetuado e o programa de instalação será executado automaticamente. Os seguintes componentes serão instalados: ● Ferramenta de impressão HP ePrint & Share ● Driver HP ...
The service object sets JrnLineChars to the printer’s default line width when the device is first enabled following the Open method. Accessing JrnLineChars may cause a PosControlException to be thrown with the following ErrorCode: 展开表 Value Meaning Illegal The number of characters specified...
(React Native 0.59 and lower) Define the react-native-bluetooth-escpos-printer project in android/settings.gradle: include ':react-native-bluetooth-escpos-printer' project(':react-native-bluetooth-escpos-printer').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-bluetoo...
Best Price for Epson E-POS TEP 160 Bill Printer, Service Center for Epson Bill Printer, Call us - 9810822688 or Send an Email - gm@indianbarcode.com
产品状态 STOCK 黑白打印速度 250mm/秒 彩色打印速度 N/A 品牌 OEM 原产地 Japan 保修期(年) 1年 售后服务 呼叫中心的在线技术支持 软件开发工具包(SDK) 是 纸张宽度 80mm 印刷方法 直接热 颜色 黑色和白色 纸张类型 热敏纸 纸张厚度 0.048毫米至0.08毫米 ...