2.(General Physics) electron 3.(Chess & Draughts)chessSeealgebraic notation E symbol for 1.(Electrical Engineering) earth 2.East 3.English 4.Egypt(ian) 5.(Mathematics) exa- 6.(Music, other)music a.a note having a frequency of 329.63 hertz (E above middle C) or this value multiplied ...
否则报错\color{red}{\texttt{Undefined Symbol}},有名字冲突时可以使用完整的\texttt{namespace}消歧义...
2.(General Physics) electron 3.(Chess & Draughts)chessSeealgebraic notation E symbol for 1.(Electrical Engineering) earth 2.East 3.English 4.Egypt(ian) 5.(Mathematics) exa- 6.(Music, other)music a.a note having a frequency of 329.63 hertz (E above middle C) or this value multiplied ...
}); //间隔展开子数据,animate,display,physics,scale,vis是展开的 myChart.setOption(option = { tooltip: { //提示框组件 trigger: 'item', //触发类型,默认:item(数据项图形触发,主要在散点图,饼图等无类目轴的图表中使用)。可选:'axis':坐标轴触发,主要在柱状图,折线图等会使用类目轴的图表中使用。'...
symbol:标记的图形(默认:emptyCricle) initialTreeDepth:树图初始展开的层级(深度)(默认:2) itemStyle:树图中每个节点的样式 label:每个节点所对应的文本标签的样式 rich:自定义富文本样式,在标签中做出非常丰富的效果。 leaves:叶子节点的特殊配置 emphasis:树图中个图形和标签高亮的样式 ...
Symbol. Mathematics.a transcendental constant equal to 2.7182818 …, used as the base of natural logarithms; the limit of the expression (1+1/n) n asnapproaches infinity. Logic.universal negative. E 5 abbreviation for east. eastern. English ( def 5 ). ...
Numbasis an open-source system for creating tests which run entirely in the browser. It has been developed byNewcastle University's School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics. For more information about Numbas and what it does, see our website atnumbas.org.uk. ...
symbol: 'emptyCircle', orient: 'vertical', expandAndCollapse: true,//默认:true;子树折叠和展开的交互,默认打开 。 initialTreeDepth:2,//默认:2,树图初始展开的层级(深度)。根节点是第 0 层,然后是第 1 层、第 2 层,... ,直到叶子节点
Erklärungen der Symbole Horoskop des Moments Towards a Post-Modern Astrology by Robert Hand The following article is the (edited) transcript of a talkRobert Handgave at the Astrological Conference 2005 of the British Astrological Association in York, UK. ...
symbol: 'emptyCircle', orient: 'vertical', expandAndCollapse: true,//默认:true;子树折叠和展开的交互,默认打开 。 initialTreeDepth:2,//默认:2,树图初始展开的层级(深度)。根节点是第 0 层,然后是第 1 层、第 2 层,... ,直到叶子节点