精细结构常数可以作为表征电磁相互作用强度的量——耦合常数(Coupling constant)。
[5] 张立新. 从物理学中数学常数e思考数学之自然属性[J]. 首都师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2015, 36(3): 25-29. ZHANG L X. From mathematical constant e in Physics Thinking Nature Attribute of Mathematical[J]. Journal of Capital Normal University (...
Notably, PolyShard simultaneously achieves an optimal tradeoff between security, storage, and computational costs, performing within a small constant factor of the limits imposed by physics. 第6章:支付渠道网络 Payment Channel Networks 在第3章和第5章中,我们提出了第1层算法,它们达致吞吐量、延迟、存储...
Physics , 15, 17-21. [7] Pellis, S. (2021) Unification Archimedes Constant π, Golden Ratio φ, Euler’s Number e and Imaginary Number i, Golden Ratio φ, Euler’s Number e and Imaginary Number i (October 10, 2021).https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3975869 ...
elastic constant 弹性常数 elastic deformation 弹性形变 elastic energy 弹性能 elastic equilibrium 弹性平衡 elastic fatigue 弹性疲劳 elastic force 弹力 elastic hysteresis 弹性滞后 elastic limit 弹性极限 elastic manometer 弹性压力计 elastic modulus 弹性模数 elastic plastic deformation 弹塑性畸变 elastic relaxation...
7.(General Physics)physics a.energy b.electric field strength c.electromotive force d.Young's modulus (of elasticity) 8.(Logic)logica universal negative categorical proposition, such asno pigs can fly:often symbolized asSeP. CompareA,I2,O1 ...
expense center expense classificatio expenseconstant expense contra accoun expense control expense cost expensecostgo expense credit expensed cost expense deduction expense disbursement expense distribution expenseforerectingand expense for trial man expense from purchase expensefunddeposit expenseincreasecoeffi ex...
The electrical conductivity divided by relaxation time σ/τ was calculated by solving the linearized Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) based on the constant relaxation time (CRT) approximation, which has been encoded in BoltzTraP2. The evaluation of τ is nontrivial. Given that τ is generally ...
精细结构常数可以作为表征电磁相互作用强度的量——耦合常数(Coupling constant)。