www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Hierarchical F e2O3 hexagonal nanoplatelets anchored on S nO2 nanofibers for high‑performance asymmetric supercapacitor device Morteza Safari 1, Jamal Mazloom 1*, Komail Boustani 2 & Ali Monemdjou1 Metal oxide heterostructures...
《音Th频e S产tat品e o使f S用ou现nd状re调po研rt c报om告pi》les汇ke集y fi了nd面ing向s f全rom球e消xte费ns者ive进au行di的o 广泛rse的msea音artrpc频hho研wniet究hucs洞eorn察ssau.smpe2ar0srt2aic2ciproa年snst的tsh, ee报xwa告morli基ndi.n于Tghteh62e00f20a2c0tsot名rusdt智yhah能...
<mxfile host="app.diagrams.net" modified="2022-07-21T05:39:42.186Z" agent="5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.134 Safari/537.36" etag="n_cM8q5XLbFBFJDjMOuz" version="20.1.1" type="google"><diagram id="Dc8SgygrfDlHpjE0t...
A set of practice note, solution, complexity analysis and test bench to leetcode problem set - leetcode/N_Queens.drawio at b58bcceb0ea27d0756ad72fb6a64b3b547fae221 · brianchiang-tw/leetcode
U3LOWoUNpuwL8q5q96ThojPtDy1MGgDgJbObQtikQQR50aWvaf6bJVq//LFd4U2wxakhfZ0FhYbQ d0S8LhhGh414F3/x4Yywr5OykhxWe04OQi7B/EF5ZEVlpGhyQdUEOJhP7jZv9/wZ8hA9D6iqJR1+ YqnQoEM4z3zbrH2hy4SQ4p/TwNwGvqHkAK210dsiIegUTPfTOp64wu3XnTZl7W6ws60L5JNErizj k82dhE1aTCEnH/Lcc5OtMbg2wFDUTkQuQs5y...
sustainability Article Standard Measuring of E-Learning to Assess the Quality Level of E-Learning Outcomes: Saudi Electronic University Case Study Prakash Singh * , Ibrahim Alhassan, Nasser Binsaif and Thamer Alhussain E-Commerce Department, College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Saudi ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Article Anti-Apoptotic Effect of Chrysophanol Isolated from Cassia tora Seed Extract on Blue-Light-Induced A2E-Loaded Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Su-Kang Kim 1,†, Ju-Yeon Ban 2,†, Hyungoo Kang 3 and Sang-il Park 3,* 1 Department ...
Extending EV Range.The article offers information on a lithium-ion battery for electric vehicles developed by Axeon, Ricardo, and Allied Vehicles.EBSCO_bspAutomotive Design & Production