E-OKUL Haberler: Para Tarihi: Paranın İcadı ve Evrimi Haberler 5 Kasım 20230 Organichits.co: En İyi Trafik Değişim Sitesine Genel Bakış İnternet sitenizin başarısı, aldığı trafik miktarıyla doğru orantılıdır. Bu noktada, Organichits...
it stimulates online shopping behaviors, impulse buying, purchase goals, and continuance intentions. Greater awareness of a system’s interactivity over its mechanisms can amplify the user’s experience and achievements (Bilgihan et al.2015). Based on this, we propose ...
The School Climate Questionnaire (SCQ)-High School Form, Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale (MSLSS), Demographic Information Form were used to collect the data. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to test the factor structure of the questionnaire, and Cronbach Alp...
Okul ncesi ocuklar iin Bamsz renme Davranlar lei 3-5 (BD 3-5): Türke Formu iin Geerlik ve Güvenirlik almasdoi:10.17051/ilkonline.2019.610148SELF-regulated learningSTATISTICAL reliabilityFACTOR structureEXAMINATIONSTEST validityThe aim of this study is to...
Okul ncesi Sosyal Davran lei-Akran Formu: Türke geerlilik ve güvenilirlik almasANKARA (Turkey)CONFIRMATORY factor analysisPRESCHOOL childrenCHILD psychologyCRONBACH'S alphaPROSOCIAL behaviorObjective: The aim of this study is to test the validity and reliability of Preschool Social...